Student Health Insurance

Long Island University has partnered with JCB Insurance Solutions to offer a cost-effective Student Health Insurance Plan that provides coverage at school, at home, and while traveling or studying abroad. University requires students who are Division I athletes, clinical degree students, and J1 or F1 visa holders to be enrolled and covered by an ACA compliant health insurance plan. The LIU plan meets all Federal Health Care Reform requirements and includes a nationwide network of doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies through UnitedHealthcare.

Eligible only students are automatically enrolled in the LIU health plan after the waiver deadline. Beginning this year, billing for coverage will be on a per-semester basis. If you need to access care before the waiver deadline, please log in and confirm your insurance enrollment with JCB Insurance Solutions at


Coverage Start Date

Coverage End Date

Billed Charge

Fall 2024

August 15

December 31


Spring 2025

January 1

August 14




In today's digital world, we offer robust web and mobile phone tools for students to access your health insurance information. Students can log into the UnitedHealthcare Student Resources (UHCSR) webpage at or download the free UHCSR Mobile App for Apple or Android phones to perform the following functions:

  • View and share your ID card - you can even email or fax your ID card to your provider
  • View claims received
  • Search for a provider
  • Create your UHCSR My Account
  • Gain quick access to customer service
  • Appoint a personal representative to act on your behalf for health insurance matters with UHCSR
  • Easily review and explore the best care options for your needs

If you have comparable coverage and need to submit a waiver request, log on to each academic year and follow the prompts for Long Island University. Make sure to have your medical ID card on hand. Waiver applications must be completed and submitted on or before each term (Fall or Spring) deadline dates indicated on JCB website and e-mails. In order for your waiver to be approved, your personal health insurance plan must be active and meet the following minimum coverage requirements:

  • Plan must be owned, operated, and filed in the United States
  • Plan must be in compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA Compliant)
  • Must have access to primary care within the Tri-State area
  • Must have coverage for medical evacuation of $100,000 or over
  • Must have coverage for repatriation of $50,000 or more
  • Out of State HMOs with no access to primary care may be denied
  • Medicaid plans may be denied depending on your student category

If you need help with submitting your waiver request or are experiencing difficulties with the JCB website, please contact JCB directly at

Remember that if you have been automatically enrolled in the plan and wish to waive coverage, you must go online and receive confirmation by the waiver deadlines listed above.

NOTE: New students who enter during the Spring or Summer terms will participate in the plan with prorated coverage periods and rates.

Brooklyn Campus
1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Post Campus
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548

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