Tuition & Payments Policies

On-Campus Marketing of Credit Cards
Third-Party Payments
Tuition Liability
LIU Course Overload Policy


​Students who have previously filed bankruptcy or have a current open bankruptcy claim are covered by the period of automatic stay. If a student has an open bankruptcy claim, or if a student has previously had debt forgiven with Long Island University through bankruptcy (any chapter), the University will allow the student full access to records and allow the student to register for future semesters. However, all payments must be made prior to the registration of the semester for which they are enrolling, or the student must have completed their financial aid packet and have funds awarded by the payment deadline. If the financial aid does not cover the entire semester enrolled the student must pay in full the remaining balance by the payment deadline.

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Financial-related holds are placed on student accounts with past-due balances to prevent the individual from engaging in a variety of University activities until satisfactory payment arrangements are made. These holds are automatically displayed within your My LIU account once they are applied and can be summarized as follows:


This hold is applied to student accounts with outstanding balances less than $1,500. It prevents the student from obtaining an official transcript, diploma, or grade mailer until the balance is paid in full. Students with this hold must pay their balance in full to obtain the documentation desired.


This hold is assigned to students who have outstanding balances greater than or equal to $1,500 from engaging in all University activities, including registering for classes and participating in drop/add periods. These students also are prevented from obtaining official transcripts, diplomas, grade mailers, refunds and enrollment verifications. Students with this hold must pay their balance in full or make satisfactory payment arrangements to engage in any desired University activities.


This hold is assigned to students who are in jeopardy of being referred to an outside collection agency and who have been sent out to Heartland/ECSI for pre-collections. Students have 90 days to make satisfactory payment arrangements in order to engage in any desired University activities, including registering for classes and obtaining official transcripts and diplomas.


This hold prevents students who have delinquent past-due balances that have been referred to outside collection agencies from engaging in all University activities. These students are prevented from registering for classes, gaining access to residence halls, and obtaining official transcripts, and diplomas. Students with this hold must make payment arrangements directly with the collection agency and can only participate in University activities once the balance has been paid in full, including any and all collection fees applied to the student’s account balance.


This hold prevents students from writing personal checks to the University or using the electronic check feature through the online Payment Gateway. Students are assigned this hold when they have issued two or more checks to the University that were returned by the bank for insufficient funds, or who have files a chargeback with their credit card provider.


This hold indicates a refund to the student is pending following a review by the Enrollment Services office.

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On-Campus Marketing of Credit Cards

Pursuant to Article 129-A Section 6437 of the New York State Education Law, Long Island University prohibits the advertising, marketing, or merchandising of credit cards on campus to students. This includes advertising or solicitation at campus vendor tables, as well as posting or distribution of applications, fliers, posters, handbills and signage (electronic and otherwise) on University premises. The University’s e-mail system or website may not be used for advertising or solicitation of credit cards to students. Banks, credit unions and other businesses approved to be present at student orientations and other campus activities may not provide credit card applications to students during those events. In addition, no campus employee, student group, or department may accept financial support or other goods and services from credit card issuers or vendors in exchange for allowing them to market credit cards to students.

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Third-Party Payments

Download Third-Party Payment Plan Enrollment Form

The University will temporarily clear student account balances, if the student presents written authorization from a third party or sponsoring company that intends to make payment on behalf of the student. Examples include, but are not limited to, the Board of Education, Verizon, Americorps, Veterans Affairs, and JPMorgan Chase.

The University offers this third-party bill clearance to accommodate delays in receiving payments or for those entities that required the submission of completed grades for the term prior to the release of funds. In order for the University to recognize an anticipated third-party payment for a student’s tuition, fees and/or other charges, written authorization is required on corporate letterhead. All letters are subject to review by the Office of Enrollment Services and must include the following information:


  • Student name
  • Student ID and/or social security number
  • Term or academic year covered
  • Number of credits or coursework covered
  • Dollar or percentage limit of total charges (if applicable)
  • Sponsoring company's name, billing address, contact name, telephone number and e-mail address.

Students must submit the written authorization described above in person to their Enrollment Services Office, along with a completed Third-Party Payment Form and payment for any remaining balance.

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Tuition Liability



Tuition liability is the amount of money a student owes the University for tuition, fees, room, board, and miscellaneous charges based on your expected presence or participation in University activities.


  • Zero liability results when a student properly drops or officially withdraws from classes in accordance with University policy prior to the start of the term or during the drop/add period.  During zero liability, refunds will be processed and charges removed for tuition and all fees.

  • Partial liability results when a student properly drops or officially withdraws from classes after the drop/add period.  The amount due to the University will be prorated according to the published session liability schedule, and partial refunds will be processed.

  • 100% liability results when a student is liable in full to the University for all tuition, fees, room, board, and miscellaneous charges.  During 100 percent liability, no refunds will be processed and payment is due in full at the time of withdrawal.




Students are responsible for knowing that they are registered for classes, that they are expected to pay for these classes in a timely manner, and must understand and follow the correct procedures to withdraw from classes.  Non-attendance and/or non-payment do not constitute official withdrawal from the University. The calculation of your tuition and fee liability, if any, is based on the date of your Official Withdrawal or drop in accordance with University policy. 

Room and board charges must be cancelled through the Office of Residence Life.  Liability for these charges will be assessed at the time of cancellation.

Liability Schedules 

Traditional Fall/Spring Terms



Week 1 


Week 2


Week 3 50%
Week 4 75%

Week 5+


Summer & Other Sessions Seven Weeks or Greater



Week 1


Week 2


Week 3+


Summer & Other Sessions Three to Seven Weeks



Day 1-2


Day 3-5


Day 6+


Winter & Other Sessions Two Weeks or Less



Day 1


Day 2


Day 3+





Students requesting a review of tuition and fee liability must complete the University's Appeals Form for Student Withdrawals in accordance with University policy and submit all required supporting documentation within 30 days from the end of the requested term.

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LIU Course Overload Policy

​Students will graduate on-time by taking 15 credits per semester. LIU allows all students to take up to 18 credits in a semester without any additional approvals needed. In line with best academic practices, we encourage students to reflect carefully on their academic performance when requesting a course overload beyond 18 credits in a semester. LIU’s policies are framed to support students and align practices to ensure on-time graduation while helping students to make the most of their higher education experience.

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1 University Plaza
Brooklyn, NY 11201

Post Campus
720 Northern Blvd.
Brookville, NY 11548

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