The Master of Science dual degree in Early Childhood/Childhood Education prepares professional teachers and leaders to work with children from birth to grade 6. Graduates develop multiple lenses to view children’s growth and development, care and education, methods of assessment, and diverse educational environments in a child-centered program. Candidates will be prepared to work in a variety of educational settings, including public and private schools, Head Start programs, child development and child care centers and other programs related to the education of children through grade 6. The program is designed for individuals who have earned a bachelor's degree from an accredited university or college and who wish to begin a new career as a certified school teacher. Upon graduation, candidates will be eligible for Initial Teaching Certification from New York State. In addition, current teachers who have bachelor's degrees in education and Initial Teaching Certification may use this program to expand their expertise from Birth to sixth grade. This program meets the New York State master's degree requirements for Professional Teaching Certification. The M.S. degree curriculum comprises 14 education courses (42 credits), Practicum in Early Childhood in a Preschool Context (3 credits), and Supervised Student Teaching and Seminar in Childhood (6 credits). In the required courses candidates will study the physical, intellectual, emotional and social development of children, including culturally diverse populations. Candidates will gain an understanding of the theory and practice of teaching language arts -- reading, writing, listening, and speaking -- in the early childhood and childhood classroom. The curriculum includes courses in "The Psychological Foundations of Education," "Child Development," and "Beginning Reading and Writing: Emergent Literacy" as well as methods courses in a variety of subject areas aligned with the Early Learning Standards and Next Generation Learning Standards. After completing all degree requirements successfully passing New York State Licensure tests (EAS, CST and edTPA) and completing all seminars listed below, candidates will be awarded Initial Teaching Certification by the New York State Department of Education (NYSED) in Early Childhood (Birth-Grade 2) and Childhood Education (Grades 1-6). • Child Abuse SAVE (Schools Against Violence Education Act) • • DASA (Dignity for All Students Act) • Health and Substance Abuse If the candidate is a certified teacher with three years of teaching experience, he or she will be eligible to apply for Professional Teaching Certification upon completion of the program. Please refer to the NYSED certification website ( for the most up to date changes in certification requirements.
Core Courses (15 credits) |
EDI 600 |
Psychological Foundations of Education |
3.00 |
EDI 601 |
Social Foundations of American Education |
3.00 |
EDI 643 |
Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education (CR-SE) |
3.00 |
EDI 677 |
Curriculum Development for the Classroom Teacher |
3.00 |
EDI 700 |
Introduction to Educational Research |
3.00 |
Co-Related Content (9 credits) |
EDS 600 |
Introduction to the Study of the Exceptional Child and Adolescent (Pre-K to Grade 12) |
3.00 |
EDS 605 |
Beginning Reading and Writing: Emergent Literacy |
3.00 |
EDS 610 |
Literacy Teaching and Learning: Birth to Grade 6 |
3.00 |
Pedagogical Core (15 credits) |
EDI 612 |
Teaching Social Studies in Grades 1-6 |
3.00 |
EDI 613 |
Teaching Mathematics in Grades 1-6 |
3.00 |
EDI 614 |
Teaching Science in Grades 1-6 |
3.00 |
EDI 615 |
Early Childhood Curriculum: Birth to Preschool |
3.00 |
EDI 639 |
Play in the Curriculum |
3.00 |
Student Teaching and Practicum (9 credits) |
EDI 721 |
Practicum: Early Childhood Education |
3.00 |
EDI 710A |
Supervised Student Teaching and Seminar in Early Childhood and Childhood Education (K-2) & (1-6) |
6.00 |
**A grade of B- or higher is required in all education courses
This course is designed to introduce students to psychological theories and principles which affect teaching and learning. Teacher candidates study theories of cognitive development, socio-emotional development, intelligence, motivation, and learning with attention to how individuals develop in these areas throughout childhood. Candidates explore behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist theories of learning and discuss how these theories inform classroom practice (planning for instruction, instructional delivery, classroom management, and assessment of learning). Candidates analyze instructional strategies presented in empirical research and practitioner journals. Candidates observe student and teacher behavior and analyze classroom environments to identify operative psychological theories and principles.
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