The 36-credit Master of Science in Library and Information Science program – accredited by the American Library Association – offers coursework in the area of study leading to career opportunities in the field of Youth Services Librarianship.
Youth Services departments may be found in all types of libraries, though they exist predominantly in public libraries. Typically, these collections are dedicated to meeting the information needs of children and teens throughout the years from birth through secondary education environments. They differ from School Libraries and School Media Centers in that they do not typically operate in tandem with any specific P-12 school curriculum, and often offer specialized services to infants and toddlers.
For information contact us.
Any position in the Children’s and Young Adult Services Departments of a public library. Among the job titles in this specialization are Children’s Librarian, Children’s Outreach/Programming Librarian, Young Adult Librarian, Youth Services librarian, and Teen Librarian.
The following admission requirements apply to those pursuing the Master of Science in Library and Information Science (MSLIS).
Admission Requirements – M.S. in Library and Information Science
Applicants to the Master of Science in Library and Information Science must adhere to the following requirements for admission.
Applicants who do not meet the above minimum criteria may be considered for admission as limited matriculants if potential for success in the program and the field can be confirmed by other metrics that might included an unusually high GRE or MAT score, extensive and successful experience in the field, outstanding letters of recommendation from professionals in the field, or a personal interview that will demonstrate that the applicant has attained the level of maturity and dedication necessary to pursue study at the master’s level.
Students interested in studying at the LIU Post or Manhattan locations should send application materials to:
LIU Post, Admissions Office at
An additional 18 credits of electives can be taken from a broad array of courses that are tailored to suit individual career objectives.
LIS 510 Introduction to Library and Information Science
LIS 511 Information Sources and Services
LIS 512 Introduction to Knowledge Organization
LIS 514 Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science
LIS 690 Internship
Courses in the 500 series are open to upper level undergraduates provided prerequisites are met or instructor's permission is granted. Upper level (700,900) LIS courses are open to masters and Ph.D. students. 800 level courses are only for doctoral students.
LIS 510 Introduction to Library and Information Science
An overview of the field. Introduction to the history, purpose, functions, and processes of the field, its place in society, practice of the profession in various types of settings, and current issues and trends.
3 credits
LIS 511 Information Sources and Services
Philosophy, process, and techniques of information services. Overview of information access and delivery, types of resources and formats used in information services, evaluation and measurement of sources and services, and information seeking processes and behaviors
3 credits
LIS 512 Introduction to Knowledge Organization
Basic principles of bibliographic control and knowledge organization systems. Emphasizes an understanding of catalogs and cataloging, discovery systems and databases, and the organizational structures that underlie them. Introduction to bibliographic utilities, web site organization, RDA, FRBR, descriptive standards, classification systems, tagging, and metadata schemas such as controlled vocabularies, subject headings, authorities, thesauri, and taxonomies.
Pre- or co- requisites: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 513 Management of Libraries and Information Centers
Principles and techniques of management applicable to libraries and information service organizations. Focuses management theory on organizing for library and information services, collections, facilities management, and measurement and evaluation of services.
(NOTE: For the Palmer School management requirement, students must choose this course or one from among the following approved management-focused courses: LIS 622, 785 Dual Degree students only Descriptions for these courses appear under “Master-Level Electives” below.)
3 credits
LIS 514 Introduction to Research in Library and Information Science
Overview of both quantitative and qualitative research conducted in the field with a focus on gaining the ability to comprehend, evaluate and use the research literature. The scientific approach, from research design to major techniques for data collection and analysis, is discussed from the perspective of library and information science. Students learn and practice research proposal preparation.
Pre- or co- requisites: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 690 Internship
120 hours during a semester at an approved site, working under supervision of a professional in the field. Guided by a Learning Contract jointly approved by faculty and the site supervisor, students augment what they have been taught in formal courses, further their career objectives, and enhance their skills, competencies, and abilities. For students with extensive library experience, LIS 695 (Masters Project) is available as an alternative to the internship, with permission from the student’s advisor and Director.
Prerequisites: Students should have completed all core requirements and most electives before enrolling; students should have completed at least 27 credits.
3 credits
LIS 691 Internship/Student Teaching (for School Library certification candidates)
240 hours or 40 days is the required time for student teaching. This must be split between elementary school (120 hours or 20 days) and secondary school (120 hours or 20 days). Secondary school is defined as either a middle school or a high school. It is the student’s responsibility to choose the sites, with the guidance of the Director of the School Library program. Sites must be approved by the Director. Students will develop a learning contract which will govern this experience and must have a formal teaching observation. Students will be expected to put the theory or principles they have learned during their coursework into practice.
Prerequisites: LIS 510, LIS 511, LIS 620, LIS 622, LIS 626, LIS 627, LIS 629, and LIS 712 or permission of the Director of the School Library program; students should have completed at least 27 credits.
3 credits
Master-Level Electives
LIS 508 Technology for Information Management
A comprehensive introduction to digital and communications technologies as the underpinnings for information storage and retrieval systems. These include the theory of digital representation of information (text, graphical images, and sound), the inter-relationship of hardware, operating system software and applications software in stand-alone systems, and extensions of these in networked environments.
3 credits
LIS 529 Map Collections
Exposes students to current issues in managing map and cartographic collections. Students learn about the history and use of maps, atlases, globes, and other current cartographic tools, including geographic information systems (GIS); cartographic information services and related reference sources; and issues in map librarianship, including reference services, storage and handling, conservation, and collection development.
3 credits
LIS 602 Children’s Literature and Emotional Intelligence
Students will explore different literary genres and story formats in their relation to emotional IQ and character. A thematic approach will address issues such as: violence, conflict resolution, cooperation, and tolerance as well as specific character traits such as: courage, integrity, e, playfulness, empathy, generosity, honesty, and responsibility. Students will develop their own criteria and strategies for evaluating material and will be encouraged to concentrate on themes and issue that interest them.
3 credits
LIS 606 Information Literacy and Library Instruction
This course will introduce information literacy and library instruction methods used in a variety of information systems including libraries, archives, and electronic environments. It will include an overview of theoretical and applied research and discusses relevant issues and concepts. The focus of the course is on the process of designing, implementing, and assessing instructional programming.
3 credits
LIS 610 Readers’ Advisory
This course teaches both traditional reader’s advisory skills and the use of print and electronic reader’s advisory tools. The course will enhance the skills needed to match the book with the reader. Databases such as EBSCO’s Novelist, social cataloging tools such as Goodreads and social media e.g., Facebook and Pinterest will be evaluated.
3 credits
LIS 611 Film and Media Collections
An introduction to building and maintaining collections and services related to visual media, primarily moving image, sound and ephemera. Topics include: the history of film and media in library collections, collection development, access, equipment, copyright, emerging technologies and management of non-print formats.
3 credits
LIS 618 Online Information Retrieval Techniques
A survey of the design and use of computerized information retrieval systems and services, including online catalogs, commercial database searches, and Internet-based search services and electronic resources. Emphasis on acquiring a practical understanding of these systems and services to aid in the development of advanced search, selection, and evaluation competencies. Course includes the application of search strategies and techniques to all types of formats of electronic resources, including bibliographic, full-text, and multimedia resources.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 620 Instructional Design and Leadership
Examines the curriculum consultant and instructional leadership roles of the school media specialist. Opportunities are provided for students to blend recent developments in curriculum and instruction with information literacy objectives and staff development strategies. Collaborative, interdisciplinary approaches to learning are emphasized.
(NOTE: There will be 25 hours of field experiences (observation) related to coursework as part of the requirement in SED 52.21(b)(3)(i). A total of 100 hours of observation must be completed prior to student teaching or practicum/internship.)
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 622 Management of the School Media Center
An examination of developments in the principles and strategies for managing information and school library media centers. This course examines philosophies and practices related to policy development, budgeting, personnel, resource organization, networking, public relations, and facilities planning including discussion of school library facilities for children with disabilities and special needs.
(NOTE: There will be 25 hours of field experiences (observation) related to coursework as part of the requirement in SED 52.21(b)(3)(i). A total of 100 hours of observation must be completed prior to student teaching or practicum/internship.)
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 626 Teaching Methodologies for K-16 Librarians
This course will present teaching strategies important for school media specialists in school library information center “classrooms” as well as instructional librarians in K-16 settings. Students will learn and practice techniques for using the library as a vital part of instruction occurring within the school or library setting. Lesson planning, questioning strategies, and hands-on practice with important educational trends are integral components of this course.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 627 Special Needs Students in K-12 Libraries
This course will instruct the student on assisting students with disabilities and other special learning needs. The students will gain knowledge about the Dignity for all Students Act (DASA) and the Education for all Students tests (EAS).
3 credits
LIS 628 Collection Development for K-12
Survey of nonfiction resources in support of the subject content areas in the modern school curriculum including non-fiction materials. Attention is given to new developments in the curriculum, with emphasis on policies related to collection with selection of library materials.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 632 Collection Development
Students will examine the principles, issues and best practices related to the development of a library collection serving an academic or research community in a college, university, public or special library environment. This course will consider methods for identifying the needs of a user community, designing a collection policy, selecting and acquiring library materials in all formats, making decisions related to a collection’s management and preservation, and evaluating the quality and appropriateness of an existing collection.
3 credits
LIS 633 Emerging Web Technologies
With the advent of new web technologies, an explosion of new social software tools has emerged enabling users to create, organize, share, and collaborate in an online space. Today’s Web users are organizing their favorite bookmarks, collaborating on shared documents, cataloging their personal collections, and sharing their information with others. This course will explore the features and functionality of emerging web technologies such as blogs, wikis, RSS, social bookmarking, media sharing, tagging, folksonomies and more. This course will look at how libraries are implementing these various tools as well as their potential uses.
3 credits
LIS 634 Great Collections of New York City
Introduces students to issues surrounding the management and curation of special collections libraries through guided visits to significant cultural institutions in New York City. Students meet with the institutions’ curators and librarians, examine and discuss examples of unique materials in these collections, and develop an understanding and appreciation of the diversity of approaches to collection care, preservation, and services in rare book and special collections settings.
Prerequisite: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 652 Exhibitions and Catalogs: Library Meets Museum
Considers theoretical issues of conceptualization and criticism and provides practical, hands-on experience with the steps necessary to create a successful exhibition of rare books and special collections material. Major topics include exhibition planning, implementation, evaluation, and documentation. The course is appropriate for students preparing for careers in rare books and special collections libraries.
Prerequisites: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 654 Building Digital Libraries
Designed especially for students intending to work with original research materials of cultural interest such as photographs, manuscripts, and printed ephemera, this course introduces the processes of digitizing these materials for wider public access. Topics include: definitions of digital libraries in theory and practice, materials selection criteria, digitization and related technical issues, standards and best practices, copyright, and project management. Students will create fully functioning digital libraries.
Prerequisite: LIS 512
3 credits
LIS 657 Introduction to Preservation
An introduction to the principles and practices of library and archives preservation. Topics include: the composition of paper, books, and non-book materials; current preservation methods; disaster planning and recovery; reformatting and digitization; collection maintenance and re-housing; management of preservation efforts; and standards and professional ethics.
3 credits
LIS 695 Master’s Project
Available for students with extensive library experience as an alternative to LIS 690 (Internship). Independent research, design, or development that may include one of the following: a research paper of publishable quality; an instructional or informational design program; a creative performance program. The student will be required to present a proposal for approval as well as the completed results of the selected paper or program project to the faculty advisor, project supervisor, and the Director.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 and LIS 512 and LIS 514 and Palmer School Director’s approval
3 credits
LIS 697 Master’s Thesis
Independent research for the preparation, development, and presentation of a master's thesis under a faculty member's advisement and supervision. The completed thesis must be approved by the thesis advisor and the Director.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512 and LIS 514 and Palmer School Director’s approval
3 credits
LIS 699 Independent Study
Through independent study, students may explore in depth areas in the field that are of particular interest. A student will be limited to two independent studies during their course of study. For further information contact the Academic Advisor.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512 and Palmer School Director’s approval
3 credits
LIS 705 Principles and Practices in Archival Description: DACS/EAD
Explores the principles of archival description as expressed in Describing Archives: A Content Standard and implementation of those principles through Encoded Archival Description (EAD) and MARC structures. Topics include: the history and development of archival description, authority and subject analysis, related standards, and description for special formats.
Prerequisite: LIS 512 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 706 Digital Preservation
An introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of the preservation of digital records. Topics include: issues facing institutions trying to preserve digital records, storage media and file formats, preservation initiatives underway worldwide, and practical considerations in implementing a digital preservation program.
3 credits
LIS 707 Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
Overview of foundations, interaction design and evaluation techniques in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), a discipline concerned with understanding user needs, designing and evaluating an interactive system from a user-centered perspective. Topics include: the psychological and social aspects of users, the impact of user characteristics on design decisions, user requirements, design approaches, usability evaluation methods, and interface paradigms and architectures for user interface implementation. Focusing on library systems and services as examples for evaluation, students acquire practical skills in collecting patron/user needs, prototype design, and evaluating website/system.
3 credits
LIS 709 Principles and Practices of Rare Book Cataloging and Descriptive Bibliography
Explores the principles of rare book cataloging as expressed in current rare book cataloging guidelines and related cataloging descriptive standards, thesauri, and controlled vocabularies. Other practices will include authority control, subject analysis, and form/genre headings relevant to rare books and related special collections material. Emphasis will be placed on the fundamentals of descriptive bibliography as it relates to rare book cataloging, to the history and development of bibliographic description, and to the mastery of technical vocabulary for describing printed books. Whenever possible, efforts are made to teach this course within special collections libraries in the New York City area to give students hands-on experience in working with printed books and original materials.
Prerequisites: LIS 512; LIS 713 highly recommended; or instructor approval.
3 credits
LIS 710 Rare Book School
Intensive week-long courses taught by internationally renowned experts at the University of Virginia’s Rare Book School (RBS). Students may take up to two (2) courses towards their MSLIS degree and the Palmer Rare Books Concentration, and option must be approved before the student enrolls in the RBS course. See the RBS website ( for current course selections.
Permission required by Director of Rare Books Program
3 credits
LIS 712 Literacy for K-12 Environments
This course will develop understanding of the complexity of literacy for K-12 learners. Linguistic aspects (vocabulary, grammar, genre and text structure), cognitive and metacognitive behaviors (reading strategies), and socio-cultural context (beliefs and attitudes of non-English learners) will be examined as influences on a learner’s development of literacy. This course will provide school and children’s librarians with background knowledge of the various issues relevant to literacy instruction. Special emphasis will be given to strategies to use for students with disabilities. Reading motivation and strategies to incorporate technology into literacy learning will be discussed.
3 credits
LIS 713 Rare Books and Special Collections Librarianship
Examines the current issues, standards, and best practices in managing collections of rare books and other unique printed material. Topics covered include: the unique research value of printed materials, definitions of rarity, collection development, description and access, preservation and conservation, security, and outreach and promotion.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or LIS 512
3 credits
LIS 714 Archives and Manuscripts
An introduction to the identification, preservation, and use of archival materials. Topics include: surveys and starting an archive; appraisal and accessioning; arrangement and description; reference and access; security and disaster protection; and audiovisual and digital records.
3 credits
LIS 716 Audio Preservation
An exploration of the issues related to the preservation of audio materials, both in legacy formats and in current and future digital formats. Students will be able to identify audio formats found in a library or archives. They will be knowledgeable about the fragility and obsolescence issues pertaining to preservation and access of audio formats.
3 credits
LIS 721 Appraisal of Archives and Manuscripts
An in-depth examination of appraisal, which has been called the archivist’s “first responsibility.” Topics include: classic archival appraisal theory, recent refinements to appraisal theory, international perspectives on appraisal, collecting manuscripts, and appraisal of audiovisual and digital records.
Prerequisite: LIS 714 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 722 Digital Records
An in-depth examination of digital records management implications and applications. Topics include: document imaging systems, document management systems, inventorying and retention of digital records, preservation of digital records, and protection of vital digital records.
Prerequisite: LIS 520 or instructor permission
3 credits
LIS 723 Records Management and Information Governance
An introduction to the systematic management of business records. Topics include: inventorying records, preparation of retention schedules, space management for inactive records, micrographics and digital imaging systems, protection of vital records, and file organization concepts.
3 credits
LIS 724 Introduction to Online Teaching
Students will learn about historical and current trends and learning theories in online learning. Students will explore the online learning environment through applying instructional design, planning online activities, copyright and intellectual property, assessment of online learners, understanding social learning, collaboration tools, and classroom management.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 725 Instructional Technologies, Applications and Media Literacy
Students will examine software, hardware, Internet applications, and web sites to see how technology can facilitate learning in K-12 libraries; they will also explore ways that hardware and software applications can be integrated in the curriculum, including examination of age-appropriate technologies for children with disabilities and the use of adaptive technology.
(NOTE: There will be 25 hours of field experiences (observation) related to coursework as part of the requirement in SED 52.21(b)(3)(i). A total of 100 hours of observation must be completed prior to student teaching or practicum/internship.)
Prerequisites: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 726 Content Management Systems
The course introduces the development of content for web sites by using major content management system (CMS) applications. Student will learn using current CMS applications to instantly and dynamically update web pages and properties as new content becomes available so that every visit to a website is engaging, informative, and meaningful. Students explore the fundamentals of CMS database management, planning dynamic websites, developing CSS-controlled site templates, and creating database-driven websites through the planning and creation of their own topic-based sites.
3 credits
LIS 728 K-12 Literature
A survey course covering various genres, styles, authors, illustrators and trends with emphasis on the role of literature in the school or K-12 library. Students will consider methods of selecting and evaluating children's and young adult literature in terms of readability and interest level and several ways in which the titles can be integrated as the content and vehicle to master the Core Curriculum. Through class discussions and constructing lessons, students will explore a range of topics related to literature, including book talks, author studies, read-aloud techniques and book discussion groups.
3 credits
LIS 729 Young Adults Sources and Services
A survey of adolescents and their reading with special emphasis on books written especially for this age group of 12-18 years old. The readings will include material emphasizing multi-cultural characters and settings, and bibliotherapy including stories of persons with disabilities and special needs. Topics include: programming, applying new technology advocacy, working with professional staff and administration, partnering with parents and community, school and public library cooperative projects, publicity, evaluation of literature and techniques for introducing literature to the adolescent population. Students will attain skills in providing library services for the young adult population, including information and referral.
Prerequisite: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 732 History of the Book
Exposes students to current theoretical and historical approaches to understanding the impact of printing and the book in western culture. Students gain first-hand experience with the intellectual tools of the book historian’s trade, including vocabulary, bibliography in its various manifestations, sources, and major collections and related bibliographic institutions.
Prerequisite: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 733 Early Childhood and Children’s Sources and Services
A survey of literature for children of preschool through elementary school age (pre-K to 11 years) with emphasis on the literary quality and characteristics of fictional and biographical materials. The survey will include materials emphasizing multicultural characters and settings and bibliotherapy including stories of persons with disabilities and special needs. Issues and problems of bringing books to children are also discussed.
Prerequisite: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 734 Government Information Services
Study and evaluation of information products, services, and sources available at all levels of government. Topics include: the Depository Library Program, the Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents, and the operations of these services. Government information access at the federal, state, regional, and local levels will be examined, with discussion focusing on access protocol, privacy, and public policy. Intensive practice in searching, retrieving, organizing, and analyzing government documents will be provided.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 735 Storytelling and Folk Literature
Analysis and evaluation of folk literature and epic tales as revelation of the culture of various people. This course emphasizes the art, techniques, and practices of oral presentation as a medium of communication and appreciation of literature.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 737 Serving Diverse Populations
A seminar on services for multi-cultural populations and groups with special interests or needs: Sensory or mobility-impaired; learning disabilities; adult beginning readers; English as a second-language; gifted and talented; latchkey children; homeless, aging, etc. Covers Federal Regulations, materials, professional attitudes, techniques, equipment and programs, at all levels and settings.
Prerequisite: LIS 510
3 credits
LIS 740 Copyright Law and Information Policy
Explores copyright law relevant to information professionals, and gives students a legal framework to analyze and take action on the copyright issues faced by librarians and cultural institutions. Topics include: copyright issues raised by the digitization of collections, electronic reference services and collecting born-digital material, fair use and the library exceptions, and recent copyright developments, including newly-filed lawsuits and proposed legislation.
Prerequisite: At least one of the following: LIS 510, LIS 511, LIS 512, LIS 514 or instructor approval.
3 credits
LIS 741 Public Libraries
A study of the philosophy, background, function, and place of public libraries in contemporary society. Examines the principles and techniques of public library organization, planning, operation, resources, services and facilities, as well as how to identify and serve groups and organizations in a community. Study of present condition, trends, and issues. Emphasis on public service orientation.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 744 Academic and Special Libraries
Overview of the working, organization, operation, and management of both academic and special libraries, with an emphasis on their unique characteristics. Comparative analysis of these library settings in all areas, including public services, technical services, systems, regulations, and scholarship. Organizational needs, services, personnel management, and budgeting will be examined within the context of such information functions as research and reference, teaching, and collection development.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 511 and LIS 512 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 755 Information Technologies and Society
A study of information technologies and their impact on society. Topics include: the historical development of information technologies; the perspectives of different disciplines; and the social, economic, political and cultural effects of contemporary information technologies.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 763 Metadata for Digital Repositories
Application of standards and rules for construction of cataloging and classification tools and records, especially in digital environments. Overview of the concepts of knowledge organization, with special focus on challenging online environments, such as archival and special collections, and digital collections on the Internet. Additional topics include: metadata formats, descriptive detail for different forms of materials, entry and access points, and authority control functions.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512
3 credits
LIS 768 Digital Information Representation
Principles and concepts of abstracting and indexing methods in the context of manual and computer based information retrieval systems. Includes preparation of abstracts, subject analysis and vocabulary control, thesaurus construction, and computer assisted indexing. Evaluation of indexing and retrieval systems.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512
3 credits
LIS 770 Information Representation and Retrieval
Fundamentals of information retrieval systems, including structures, design and implementation, are covered. Also discussed are language, information and query representation, techniques, approaches, the human dimension, and evaluation in information retrieval along with a brief survey of advances and research in the field.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 774 Information Seeking Behavior
An examination of the psychological factors influencing people and their use of information. Students will study the social, behavioral, and interaction components that exist between people and the information systems and services they access and use. Students will analyze established theory in the field via scholarly reading and case studies, and will examine empirical data on information seeking behavior. Students will also have the opportunity to observe information use in the field to develop a better understanding of the factors influencing information seeking.
3 credits
LIS 775 Technical Services Operations and Systems
An examination of library systems in terms of their strategic support of both public and technical services. Topics include: acquisition systems, online collection building, bibliographic control, serials management, vendor contracts and licenses, and integrated library systems. Students will have the opportunity to examine “back end” aspects of library information systems from both a management and implementation perspective.
3 credits
LIS 785 Mentoring Experience
Mentees are assigned a mentor from the NYU Libraries as soon as they are accepted into the dual- degree program. Mentors and mentees will then work together to develop an initial learning contract which is reviewed each semester. On occasion, part of the mentorship may be completed at an off-site library approved by the Mentor and members of the Mentoring Committee. The mentorship of 160 hours may be completed at any time before graduation from both Masters programs.
Open only to Dual-Degree Students
4 credits
LIS 901 Special Topics
A special topic not covered in the regular curriculum is explored in depth.
Students are limited to 6 credits of 901 courses, absent permission of the Palmer School Director.
LIS 910-918 Special Studies
LIS 910 Art Librarianship
Students will be introduced to all aspects of art librarianship, with an emphasis on reference and collection development issues. Field trips will supplement in-class lectures, exercises, and hands-on practice with print sources and databases for art, architecture, and design research.
3 credits
LIS 912 Contemporary Artists’ Books
Investigates the world of artists’ books and what it means to build a collection in this genre. Historical precedents and contexts in the art world are explored, as well as unique issues in collecting artists’ books and collection stewardship, including the marketplace, business ethics, housing, preservation cataloging, promotion and access.
3 credits
LIS 913 Library Public Relations
Examines the principles and practice of public relations; the library image; the news media; special events and programs; exhibits and displays; library publications; publicity, marketing techniques; and discussion of public relations as it applies to all types of libraries.
Prerequisite: LIS 510 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 914 Corporate Informatics and Knowledge Portals
Examines the structure and operation of business knowledge portals and knowledge management systems in the support of competitive business operations. Strategic information sharing and collaborative social networks are examined in terms of their roles in corporate development.
3 credits
LIS 915 Myth and the Age of Information
A seminar on the role of myth and storytelling in modern settings within diverse contexts such as management, marketing, psychology, politics, anthropology, literature, broadcast media and popular culture, multi-cultural education and religion. Covers the benefits and pitfalls of using story in different types of settings and the role of the information-based institution.
3 credits
LIS 916 Health Sciences Libraries
An overview of the services and programs of health sciences libraries. The principles and techniques of administration and management will be discussed with emphasis on the selection and organization of collections, budgeting, facilities, staffing, and evaluation.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512 or instructor approval
3 credits
LIS 917 Knowledge Representation
Theoretical examination of the systems of both knowledge organization and classification. Examination and comparison of schemas for information organization, classification, taxonomy, and ontology. Detailed examination of such systems as LC, Dewey, LCSH, Sears, MESH, SuDocs, UDC, PRECIS, and the underlying structures of controlled vocabularies and authority control. Students will become conversant with the context and rationale of knowledge organization systems in a variety of library and information service centers.
Prerequisites: LIS 510 and LIS 512
3 credits
LIS 918 Bibliography and Publishing
An introduction to the preparation, acquisition, and distribution of artifacts of recorded knowledge, including a survey of the techniques of enumerative, descriptive and analytical bibliography and bibliometric analysis. Included will be a study of the manifestation of formats of works, featuring examination of their publishing history. Students will construct analytical bibliographies of information products specific to their chosen fields, and will study the publishing history of those information products and artifacts.
Prerequisites: LIS 510, LIS 511 and LIS 512
3 credits
Frequently Asked Questions
Most students take from 18 months to two years, taking 6 credits per semester, to finish the degree. It is not unusual for students to take advantage of summer sessions in order to complete the degree requirements in less time.
If I take courses as a non-matriculating student, will the credits count toward the degree?As long as you receive a grade of B of better the courses will count toward the degree.
I have approval to transfer 6 credits to my LIU academic record from another university, but they do not appear on my transcript.Approved transfer credits will appear on your transcript once you have successfully completed 15 credits at LIU.
Are there admissions deadlines? If so, what are they?There are no admissions deadlines.
I want to start the program as a non-matriculating student to see if it’s what I want. Can I do that?Yes, you can start by completing a Personal Enrichment application.
Do I need to take the GRE’s to be admitted?If your undergraduate GPA is below a 3.0, either the GRE or Miller Analogies Test may be required.However, if you are pursuing the Library and Information Science/School Library Media MS program, New York State requires the GRE for any teacher education candidate. Please contact the department for more information.
Are there any awards or scholarships offered for alumni of LIU Post?Incoming graduate students applying for their first master’s degree who graduated with their bachelor’s degree from any LIU campus may be considered for a limited number of one-time Alumni Awards.
I applied through LIU Post; can I also take classes at the Palmer Manhattan site?Yes, once admitted to Palmer, students may take classes at any of our sites and are encouraged to do so. Classes are offered at any of our sites: LIU Post, Palmer Manhattan at NYU and online.
The internship is intended to provide students with a professional experience in the field that broadens their current experience and their network of professional contacts. For these reasons, it is best to intern in a setting different from your place of employment. You may complete the internship at your place of employment, provided it is a totally different work assignment, library related with professional (library) supervision, who is not your current supervisor. The internship can be waived if a student has depending on the student’s extensive professional experience. In that case, a master’s project will be required in its place.
Will I have an opportunity to speak with a professional in the field?All students have access to an academic advisor and are encouraged to speak with our faculty who have specific areas of expertise and interest. Faculty office hours are scheduled for meetings to meet with students and can help you with any questions or concerns about your career and academic goals.
Is there any career counseling available?Career Advisement is done through the LIU Promise Office. Hours of operation are Monday – Friday from 9am – 7pm and Saturday’s 9am-2pm. The services provided are, Resume Review, Cover Letter / Personal Statement Review, Job Search, Networking/Social Media Etiquette, Career Assessment Tools and Classroom Presentations for Faculty Members. We provide a series of workshop throughout the semester and Career Bar officer hours.
In addition, the Palmer School posts jobs, with descriptions, on the students’ list serv KIOSK. Students are encouraged to check their e-mail from KIOSK at least once a day. In addition to job postings, information about classes, workshops, and scholarships are posted immediately. It’s also an excellent source of information in terms of offering job descriptions and skills required for a number of librarian and information specialist careers.
Palmer School graduates enjoy among the highest job placement rates, and top salaries, of all graduate Library and Information Science schools. We encourage students to be proactive in their search and their career by joining professional organizations, volunteering, networking and attending professional association meetings. The internship experience often leads to career opportunities. With the assistance of Palmer School faculty many students begin their career while still attending school by securing part-time or training positions in library organizations.
How do I apply?
Fill out the online application. Once you have completed the online application, you will be able to upload the required materials electronically. Please note that it will take up to 24 hours for you to receive a confirmation of your application and instructions on how to upload the required materials.
If you intend to take classes in Manhattan, please select ‘Post– Brookville Campus’ on the online application. Palmer Manhattan is part of LIU Post, so once admitted, students may take classes in Manhattan, at Post or online. No need to specify the particular campus at the time of application.
Please note your official transcripts should be sent to
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