Study Abroad

Suzanna Gim, BA, PharmD, MPH
Director, Office of International Affairs

Rebecca Cope, PharmD, BCACP
Assistant Director, Office of International Affairs

Study Abroad with LIU Pharmacy

LIU Pharmacy offers short-term international experiences in over 15 countries to meet the diverse needs of the student population. Final year students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program may choose to travel internationally for a 5-week elective rotation focusing on community, industry, research, ambulatory care, alternative medicine and hospital pharmacy. All students who wish to study abroad must participate in the application process (including online application form) and work closely with the Office of International Affairs (OIA). The OIA provides study abroad advising and organizes pre-departure and reentry sessions to help guide you through the study abroad process, and encourages you to begin considering study abroad as part of your academic planning in your first year in the Doctor of Pharmacy program. Financial assistance and scholarships are also available but will require proactive planning. 

The OIA strives to maintain and continually expand the international offerings available to students through mutually beneficial partnerships with reputable institutions. Some established sites and experiences are listed below. This list offers a wide variety of options to students interested in studying abroad throughout the academic year. All international elective offerings on the list meet LIU Pharmacy’s high standards for academic excellence. Students may select their overseas study program from the approved list or create their own by working with the OIA. To read about previous and current trips from the students' point of view, join/ follow our FB group page for live updates. 

Participation in a study abroad program encourages the exchange of knowledge and understanding, and promotes enlightened and responsible citizenship and leadership. Learn more about how to find the option that’s right for you and how to plan and prepare for your study abroad experience by attending an informational session and/or contacting the OIA to schedule an appointment. Click here for more information (brochure).

What opportunities are available?


LIU Pharmacy
Arash T. Dabestani
