Student Activities & Organizations

Student Activities & Organizations

LIU Pharmacy offers a wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities designed to enhance the professional and personal development of the student pharmacists. Professional development hours offered twice weekly afford students to hear from invited speakers on a variety of topics including career opportunities in various pharmacy settings, legislative issues of concern to pharmacists, strategies for engaging in public health initiatives and many other areas of interest. Student professional organizations provide students to engage with peers and pharmacists in local, state, and national meetings, develop skills in leadership and interpersonal behaviors, and participation in community service activities. Social and cultural organizations offer student pharmacists welcome occasions to engage with fellow students in both relaxed and festive settings.

Student Organizations

Students of LIU Pharmacy have the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of pharmacy professional organizations. Several of these organizations have student chapters affiliated with LIU Pharmacy. Additionally, students may elect to participate in professional fraternal societies and/or social clubs and organizations. The LIU Brooklyn campus also offers over 50 clubs and organizations for students.

Pharmacy Student Leadership Council

All full-time students in LIU Pharmacy professional program are represented by the Pharmacy Student Leadership Council. The Council consists of elected representatives from each class as well as all professional organizations and serves to promote the general welfare of the pharmacy student body. All full-time students are permitted to vote in the Pharmacy Student Leadership Council elections and are invited to participate in all activities sponsored by the Council.

Professional Organizations with Local Chapters

American Association of Pharmaceutical Sciences (AAPS) is the professional organization to which many of the college’s graduate students in the M.S. and Ph.D. programs as well as pharmaceutical sciences faculty belong. Website:

American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy and resources to enable clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice and research. ACCP's membership is composed of practitioners, scientists, educators, administrators, students, residents, fellows, and others committed to excellence in clinical pharmacy and patient pharmacotherapy. ACCP StuNet is a network that provides student members access to leaders in clinical pharmacy, as well as a chance to explore leadership roles within ACCP. Website:

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is the national professional association of pharmacists who use the tools and techniques of managed care in the practice of pharmacy. Its goal is to provide the best available pharmaceutical care for patients and to empower its members to serve society by using sound medication management principles and strategies to improve health care for all and to help reduce health-care costs. Website:

American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) is the national professional society of pharmacy students in the United States and an official subdivision of the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). ASP membership is open to any student regularly enrolled in a pre-pharmacy or pharmacy program in an accredited school. ASP chapters provide many professional, educational and social activities for members. Website:

American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) is the national professional association representing pharmacists who provide medication distribution and consultant services to patients in long-term care facilities. Website:

American Society of Health-System Pharmacists-Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP-SSHP) offers a broad array of services and products to health-system pharmacists, and serves as a national accrediting organization for pharmacy residency and technician training programs. Any student interested in institutional pharmacy practice should join; benefits include Student Line, a student newsletter, and special programs at ASHP national meetings. Website:

The Drug Information Association (DIA) is a new student organization at the College. For more than 50 years the DIA has served as a global forum for all involved in health care product development and life cycle management to exchange knowledge and collaborate in a neutral setting. Our goal is to help students find the information they need to help build and sustain their career, while expanding their network with key professionals from industry, government, academic and patient organizations. Website:

Industry Pharmacist Organization (IPhO), formally the Pharmaceutical Industry Student Association (PISA), is a newly renamed student organization that is a chapter of a professional pharmacy organization dedicated exclusively to advancing the careers of industry-based pharmacists. IPhO was founded by industry pharmacists for industry pharmacists. Its mission is to give pharmacy students more information to better understand the career opportunities open to them in the pharmaceutical industry. The chapter invites industry professionals, many of whom are alumni, to talk about their career paths and how to be successful in their areas of practice. IPhO members also collect information on related internships as well as the skills, education and experience that will be helpful in starting a career in the pharmaceutical industry. In addition, members work together to explore the different areas of pharmacy within industry where pharmacy students and pharmacists have opportunities for work. Website:

National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) was founded in 1898 as the National Association of Retail Druggists (NARD); it represents the pharmacist owners, managers and employees of nearly 25,000 independent community pharmacies across the United States. Independent pharmacists – more than 60,000 nationwide – dispense the majority of the nation’s retail prescription drugs. The College of Pharmacy opened a student chapter in 2004. The student chapter offers students a wide array of opportunities to broaden and enrich their educational experience and gain valuable, real-world skills. Website:

New Jersey Pharmacists Association (NJPhA) was founded in 1870 to represent pharmacists in the State of New Jersey who practice in all areas of pharmacy. The student chapter was formed to promote networking opportunities for students who plan to practice in New Jersey. Website:

Pharmacy Law Association (PLA) is an organization of attorneys, pharmacists, pharmacist-attorneys and students of pharmacy or law who are interested in the law as it applies to pharmacy, pharmacists, wholesalers, manufacturers, state and federal government and other interested parties.

Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA - the student group of the National Pharmaceutical Association) is an organization of pharmacy students whose purpose is to plan, organize and coordinate programs geared toward the improvement of health education and the social environment of minority communities. Website:

Student Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (SPSSNY) is a student chapter of the state pharmacists’ organization whose focus is to promote the profession through legislative initiatives, networking opportunities and continuing education programs. The focus of this chapter is to keep students informed and mobilized regarding pending legislation that will affect the practice of their profession in New York. Website:

Ethnic and Religious Professional Associations

African Pharmacy Student Association (APhSA) was created to foster the unity and progress of African and other students with varied continental backgrounds in the college of Pharmacy and the Health Sciences. Its main goal is to connect student pharmacists with the community and to enhance their outreach by creating more networking opportunities with alumni practicing in a variety of career paths.

Bangladeshi American Pharmacists Association (BAPA) is a new student chapter of the parent BAPA organization and an Ethnic Affiliate of PSSNY. The purpose of the organization is to foster cooperation and collaboration among Bangladeshi pharmacy students; to network with Bangladeshi pharmacy community and to support the profession of pharmacy in Bangladesh and in North America. Website:

Indo-American Pharmacists Society (IAPS) was formed by pharmacy students of Indian origin to promote social and professional networking opportunities and is open to all pharmacy students. IAPS is an Ethnic Affiliate of PSSNY. Website:

Jewish Pharmaceutical Society (JPS) was a club originally formed in the 1950s at the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy that was recently revived by students interested in promoting the profession among Jewish pharmacy students. Their events and guest speakers focus their attention on the intersection of their faith and their profession.

Muslim Student Pharmacists Association (MSPhA) is a new organization to unite Muslim pharmacy students with the other organizations on and off campus and aims to improve the reach of Muslim student pharmacists through collaboration. Our goal is to create networking opportunities with alumni practicing in a variety of career paths. MSPhA will make an impact through community service projects and fundraisers by working with non-profit organizations and encouraging our members to become valuable partners of the healthcare team.

National Hispanic Pharmacy Association (NHPA) was formed to increase access to care for Hispanic communities. NHPA’s goal is to empower Hispanic pharmacists and other members of the health care community. The organization plans to lead efforts that will improve the health of Hispanic populations, which are currently underrepresented among health professionals.

Pakistani-American Pharmacists Association (PAPA) is the newest pharmacy organization to be recognized by SGA at LIU. PAPA is a professional organization involved in promoting the practice of pharmacy, education and research for the pharmacists of Pakistani origin and is open to all pharmacy students. It is an ethnic affiliate of PSSNY. Website:

Other Professional Health-related Organizations

ACE - The Health Practitioner's Society is a social and professional society for members from all health professions, where creating a close knit network for health professionals is the main focus. ACE collaborates with other health professional students on organizing health fairs and interprofessional experiences. Website:

Initiation of Giving Internationally through Volunteer Experiences (iGIVE) is a new organization formed by pharmacy students but open to all students of Long Island University. Their goal is to provide opportunities for students interested in service abroad, particularly in underdeveloped countries, such as Sierra Leone, Haiti, Honduras and Costa Rica. Students may use the service experience abroad to fulfill requirements toward their Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The organization is dedicated to building sustainable projects in the communities they visit. The membership promotes education on campus of these health initiatives through Professional Development Programs, fundraising and other programs.

Project Sunshine is a renowned international non-profit organization that operates in 5 countries and impacts over 150,000 patients each year. Over 3 million children are hospitalized each year in the United States. That means the lives – and childhoods – of 3 million kids are disrupted each year, too. Through creative, recreational, and educational activities delivered in medical settings by trained volunteers, Project Sunshine works to ensure that all children have access to their childhoods regardless of their health conditions.

Student for Growing Interest for Transplantation (S4GIFT) is a chapter of a national organization interested in educating and training health professional students regarding organ, tissue, and bone marrow donation and transplantation. Website:

Weil Cornell Community Clinic (WCCC) Program is a student initiated program that partners with medical students from Weill Cornell Medicine to counsel clinic patients in an underserved Manhattan community under the supervision of a physician and clinical pharmacist. For P5 and P6 students.

Professional Fraternal Societies

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity (KY)—Zeta Nu Chapter, while new to the campus, is the oldest national pharmaceutical fraternity. Through the objectives of developing industry and fostering fellowship, sobriety, and high ideals, KY strives to advance the profession of pharmacy and service the community. Website:

Lambda Kappa Sigma (LKS)—Alpha Eta Chapter is the only international, professional fraternity for women enrolled in pharmacy. It seeks motivated female students to join its ranks, and encourages the development of its members both culturally and intellectually. LKS provides both professional and social functions throughout the academic year. Website:

Phi Delta Chi (PDC)—Beta Theta Chapter objective is to advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members. A lifelong experience, PDC promotes scholastic, professional, and social growth in its Brothers. They strive to provide quality services to patients, thereby advancing public health and strengthening themselves as health professionals. Website:

Honorary Societies

Rho Chi Society—Beta Theta Chapter is the national pharmacy honor society that stimulates and recognizes superior scholarly achievement in pharmacy. Entry-level students in the upper 20% of their class who have a cumulative index of 3.500 or better are eligible for membership during their fourth year. Graduate students are eligible for membership if they have completed at least 24 credits with a 3.500 GPA in addition to other requirements. Eligible students will be automatically nominated for Society membership. Members are available to tutor pharmacy students during posted hours at a designated location throughout the academic year. Website:

Phi Lambda Sigma—Beta Kappa Chapter is the national pharmacy leadership society that promotes the development of leadership qualities among pharmacy students. To be eligible for membership, the student must be of high moral and ethical character, must have completed 96 credits of scholastic work applicable for the pharmacy degree, and have a grade-point average of at least 2.500. Prospective members are nominated on the basis of their demonstration of dedication, service and leadership in the advancement of pharmacy. Members are selected by peer recognition. Website:

Student Publications

Pharmakon is the yearbook of LIU Pharmacy. It is developed annually by its graduating students. Since the earliest years after it was founded in 1886, the Brooklyn College of Pharmacy’s graduating class published an annual yearbook originally called The Crimson and Gold. In 1924, it was renamed Pharmakon, an ambiguously interesting Greek word meaning that “which acts as both remedy and poison;” it also refers to the gift of writing.

The Pharmacy Newsletter (TPN) is a publication by students in the Doctor of Pharmacy program that aspires to promote communication among students, faculty, administrators and the wider campus of LIU Brooklyn. In addition to covering events, activities and interviews for and about the college, each issue has a particular focus within the profession and may include original research of a peer-review nature as well as articles on scientific subjects.

Campus Cultural Clubs (Predominantly Pharmacy)

Coptic Orthodox Christian Club is the campus organization for Egyptian Coptic Christian students who meet weekly and invite religious leaders to offer spiritual advice and direction. The group also often hosts a bus trip to the Poconos to a religious play as well as retreats and social events open to all students. Website:

Middle Eastern Pharmacy Association (MePA) is a recently formed student organization affiliated with the nationally recognized pharmacy organization American Pharmacist Association (APhA). MePA’s mission is to have student pharmacists communicate and collaborate with Middle Eastern communities in order to raise health awareness and improve patient care.

LIU Muslim Student Association (MSA) is a newly revitalized student organization for Muslim students. All students are welcome. Many of its members are in the pharmacy program.

Sangam is the Indian cultural club on campus composed mostly of pharmacy graduate students. Their main event of the year is a Navratri Celebration, the Indian Dance Festival held in October in the Paramount Gym that attracts over 400 attendees. Website:


LIU Pharmacy
Arash T. Dabestani
