Policies and Regulations Affecting All LIU Pharmacy Students

Policies and Regulations Affecting All LIU Pharmacy Students

Policy for Student Complaints Relating to Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) Standards, Policies

ACPE is required to demonstrate to the U.S. Secretary of Education its expectations regarding a program’s recording and handling of student complaints. In addition, ACPE must demonstrate a link between its review of complaints and its evaluation of a program in the accreditation process. Therefore, ACPE has adopted the following policy: “The colleges and schools of pharmacy have an obligation to respond to any written complaints by students lodged against the college or school of pharmacy, or the pharmacy program that are related to the standards and the policies and procedures of ACPE. The college or school of pharmacy shall establish, implement and maintain a student complaint procedure that affords the complainant fundamental procedural due process. The college or school of pharmacy should communicate the complaint policy to students. The college or school of pharmacy, or the pharmacy program, shall maintain a file that contains the written complaint, a written record of each step of the complaint procedure and the outcome, except as otherwise prohibited by state or federal law. The files shall be made available for inspection to ACPE at on-site evaluations, or otherwise at ACPE’s written request. The findings of this inspection, and the resulting implication(s) to the accreditation of the professional program, shall be noted in the Evaluation Team Report.” In order to comply with the ACPE policy regarding student complaints relating to ACPE standards, policies and procedures, the policy of LIU Pharmacy is to provide:

  1. Student access to ACPE standards, policies and procedures
  2. Communication of complaint policy to students
  3. Procedure for student complaints

Student Access, Posting and Communication of Policy

A copy of ACPE standards, policies and procedures and a copy of the LIU Pharmacy policy relating to this issue are available in the Office of the Dean. It is available for review by any student enrolled in LIU Pharmacy, but may not be removed from the Office of the Dean.

A copy of ACPE standards, policies and procedures is also available on the ACPE website, www.acpe-accredit.org. The following shall serve as the notification to students of the complaint policy and the procedure for student complaints:

Complaint Policy and Procedure for Student Complaints

The grievance procedure for students shall require a formal written complaint describing the specific violation of ACPE standards, policies or procedures. The written complaint should include a description of the ACPE standard, policy or procedure in question; grounds for appeal; a summary of the argument; and supporting evidence. This shall be delivered to the Office of the Dean of LIU Pharmacy. Upon receipt of a written complaint, an ACPE Grievance Committee, composed of the division directors, chairs of the Curriculum and Scholastic Committees, the associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs and a student representative, shall be convened to review the complaint. A formal, written reply to the student(s) from the Grievance Committee shall include an evaluation of the complaint, a description of any violations, and a proposal for any necessary corrective action. This process shall usually take no longer than 90 days. Decisions of the Grievance Committee that demonstrate arbitrary and capricious treatment or are fundamentally unfair may be appealed, as a final step, to the dean of LIU Pharmacy. This process is the sole avenue for student complaints regarding ACPE standards, policies and procedures.

A record containing student complaints and written records of the complaint procedure and outcomes shall be maintained in the Office of the Dean of LIU Pharmacy, and shall be available for review by ACPE or its representatives upon written request or in the process of an on-site evaluation visit.

LIU Pharmacy Official Correspondence

Every student is required to report his or her correct residential address to the LIU Brooklyn Office of Enrollment Services. This address must be the student’s actual residing address while in attendance at LIU Pharmacy. Reporting the parent’s address is not acceptable unless the student is currently in residence with the parent. Address changes should be submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services within three days of a change of residence.

Official correspondence from LIU Pharmacy that is intended for delivery by the United States Postal System by first class, third class or other classes of mail will be mailed to the address the student lists with the Office of Enrollment Services.

Official correspondence from the college is also regularly sent to students by electronic mail. Every student of LIU Pharmacy is considered to be on notice of the information contained in email messages sent by the college to the student’s official email address. All students of LIU Pharmacy are assigned an official LIU email alias (firstname.lastname.@my.liu.edu) that serves as the official LIU email address. Official email correspondence from LIU Pharmacy is sent to that address.

LIU Pharmacy Picture Student Identification

All students of LIU Pharmacy are expected to obtain and retain an official LIU Brooklyn student identification card that bears their individual photograph. In addition to other uses on campus, students in the college are expected to present this form of identification at the start of most examinations administered by the college.

Student Locker Procedures and Regulations
  1. LIU is private property and all locker usage is by permission only. All locker occupancy is monitored on a regular basis. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU reserve the right to control locker usage through enforcement of locker procedures and regulations, prohibit access to any person, restrict usage to any locker for emergencies or other purposes and/or redirect locker assignment as required. Locker procedures and regulations apply to all occupants. The acceptance of a locker assignment constitutes an agreement, on the part of the individual, to abide by the locker procedures and regulations as enforced by LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU. Lockers are intended primarily as a convenience for the user for the temporary storage of textbooks, references, articles of outer clothing such as coats and laboratory jackets, personal laboratory equipment and other such items as may be necessary in the normal day-to-day conduct of the responsibilities of a student. Locker access is available only during the normal operational hours of the building(s). Special arrangements cannot be made to access lockers at times the building(s) is closed. Therefore, users must make special effort to remove all items such as books and class notes that may be needed overnight or on weekends when access to the building(s) is restricted.
  2. Each full-time student enrolled in the 3rd, 4th or 5th year of the Doctor of Pharmacy professional program is eligible to be assigned one locker space. Students must be officially registered in order to obtain and maintain locker space. All locker assignments are made by the Office of Student and Professional Affairs. Each student must sign the locker agreement form to indicate his/her knowledge and acceptance of these locker procedures and regulations and to be bound by such.
  3. All lockers are provided as is. Locker spaces are assigned without locks. Individuals are responsible for providing their own padlocks. Individuals are responsible for damage to their lockers. Report all loose bolts, hinges and other physical problems with a locker immediately to the Office of Student and Professional Affairs. LIU Pharmacy and LIU shall not be liable for thief, loss and/or damage to property or injury to persons that results from the use lockers. Any loss or damage should be reported to the Office of Student and Professional Affairs immediately. Students are responsible to pay for the repair of any damages. Individuals should neither give their locker numbers, keys or combinations to anyone nor attempt to open any locker but their own nor open or tamper with a locker assigned to any other individual.
  4. Lockers are assignments are made for a period of time beginning with the first day of classes in the fall semester and continuing through until 5:00pm of the date immediately following the date of the last assigned final examination of spring semester of the locker holder. At the conclusion of the locker assignment period all locks must be removed and all materials cleared from the lockers. Students who withdraw from studies or whose studies are terminated must remove locks and clear their lockers within three days of the withdrawal or termination. Locker spaces for summer sessions are only provided to students enrolled in summer courses. Application for summer locker space must be made no later than May 15th of each year. Students assigned summer locker spaces are not guaranteed that they will retain the same locker space for summer as was held during the fall and spring semesters. Students assigned summer locker space must remove all locks and materials from lockers by 5:00pm of the last day of their summer classes. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU shall have the authority to open all lockers and to remove of all property found therein at the conclusion of the locker assignment periods as stipulated above. Contents from lockers emptied in these situations will be held for reclamation at no charge for a period of three weeks before being discarded. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU will not be responsible for any discarded items.
  5. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU reserve the right to cancel any locker assignment and remove the lock and contents without notice within five days of a student leaving the College whether by termination, withdrawal or graduation, the conclusion of the locker assignment period, for a false declaration on the locker agreement, for continuous abuse of locker privileges, for failure to adhere to procedures and regulations, or at any time for just cause as determined by the College and/or University. Any violation of the locker regulations by users may result in the termination of the use of lockers and may be reported to the College's Disciplinary Committee.
  6. Lockers are not transferable. All users agree to only occupy the locker assigned. The Office of Student and Professional Affairs endeavors to assign lockers appropriately and requests for relocation will be accepted two weeks after the fall semester has begun, subject to availability. All students who wish to change the location of their lockers must apply with good reason in person to the Office of Student and Professional Affairs.
  7. Individuals must take full responsibility for the items stored in lockers. Students are advised not to store currency, checks and negotiable instruments; credit, debit and automated teller machine cards; watches and jewelry; prescription eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids, and other personal aid and prosthetic devices and equipment; prescription medications; laptop computers, personal digital assistants and other electronic equipment; musical instruments; driver's licenses, passports and other means of personal identification; as well as other valuable and irreplaceable property.
  8. All perishable food and beverages and all opened or repackaged nonperishable food and beverages must be removed from lockers on a daily basis. Only nonperishable foods and beverages in unopened original manufacturer- or distributor-sealed packaging and containers may be kept in lockers overnight.
  9. Storage of any items that are of illegal nature, or would cause or be likely to cause a health hazard, security risk, physical danger or a nuisance to the environment or other members of LIU Pharmacy and LIU Brooklyn community is strictly prohibited and shall include by example, but shall not be limited to: all illegal substances including all drugs and prescription medications for which the locker holder does not have a valid prescription; firearms, knives, ammunition and all other weapons; recreational devices and toys capable of emitting projectiles such as pellet guns, paint guns, dart guns and archery equipment; all explosive solids, liquids and gases as well as detonation devices; all flammable solids, liquids and gases as well as ignition devices; all chemicals, caustics, poisons and other hazardous materials including, but not limited to, acids, lye, caustic soda, pesticides, herbicides, defoliants, and pharmaceutical, household, horticultural, agricultural and industrial chemicals; live plants and animals, including pets; and explicit materials and articles such pornography and other items that are sexual or violent in nature or content.
  10. The locker is the property of the Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Long Island University. As such, LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU officials may conduct a search of the University physical plant and every aperture thereof, including lockers. In the event of such searches LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU will make a reasonable effort to provide prior notice if feasible. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU reserve the right of authority, without notifying users in advance, to open any locker in case of situations arising from suspected unauthorized use, violation of the locker policies and regulations, or in emergency situations such as structural emergencies (i.e. broken water pipes or electrical line repairs) or if the safety and security of LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU is in question. Contents from lockers emptied in these situations will be held for reclamation at no charge for a period of three weeks before being discarded. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU will not be responsible for any discarded items. LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU reserve the right to relocate lockers provided that prior posted notice is given to locker users.
  11. In the event that LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU incurs liability to any third party as the result of the use of the lockers by the users; any breach or no-observance of these procedures and rules by the users; and/or any disposal by LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU of the property found in the lockers in accordance with these procedures and rules, LIU Pharmacy and/or LIU shall be entitled to be fully indemnified by the users against the liability.
  12. No interior or exterior alterations or decorations may be added to the lockers. The user agrees not to mount any stickers, labels, appliqués or other materials through the use of adhesives, tape, magnets or other means to the exterior or interior surfaces of the locker. No interior or exterior structural modifications may be made to the lockers. The user agrees not to remove or damage the door, shelves or any part of the structure of the locker. Lockers should be in the same condition less normal wear and tear at the conclusion of the assignment period as they were at the time the assignment was made.  The user further agrees to be responsible for any damage caused to the locker during the assignment period, whether structural (removal or mutilation of shelves, door, floor, etc.) or visible defacing of the surfaces (graffiti and stickers) and will be charged repair costs.