The student is responsible for knowing deadlines, degree requirements, and enrolling for courses listed under the degree program. The student is held responsible for knowing the university regulations with regard to the standard of work required for continuance in the graduate program. For additional information students should consult with the Office of Graduate Programs.
Students are expected to complete all of their courses at LIU Pharmacy. Students may, however, receive a maximum of six transfer credits from other institutions. Permission to take such courses at other institutions while in residence at the college must be obtained from the program director and the associate dean.
Credit is granted for courses completed with the grade A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, or C. The F grade signifies failure. P (passed for credit) may be used to mark completion of work in certain research practicums, seminars, workshops and thesis courses.
INC (incomplete) may be used as an interim grade for the first half of a two-semester course, for failure to complete all course requirements, and for thesis courses before acceptance of the thesis. Any other failure to complete the course requirements (e.g., the submission of a term paper) may be recorded as INC. Except in thesis courses, INC marks that have not been replaced by a letter grade within one year may be changed only by repeating the course.
A student may not repeat a course without permission of his or her program advisor and/or the associate dean. If a student, with appropriate permission, repeats a course more than once, all grades except the first will be computed in the student’s average. Satisfactory completion of the course does not eliminate the original INC or ABS from the student’s record.
AUD recognizes that a course has been audited.
The symbol W is assigned when students officially withdraw from a course in which they were doing satisfactory work. The symbol UW is assigned when students unofficially withdraw from a course. The UW is not computed in the student’s average.
The college’s GPA is employed to determine the average grade status of a student. The grade A corresponds to a 4.000 quality point equivalent, A- to 3.667, B+ to 3.333, B to 3.000, B- to 2.667, C+ to 2.333, C to 2.000 and F to 0.000. P, INC, W and UW grades do not affect the GPA.
The quality points to which a student is entitled are computed by the formula X = N x Y, where X is the number of quality points, N the quality point equivalent assigned to the grade, and Y the number of credits. The GPA is obtained by dividing the sum of the quality points received in all courses by the total number of credits, including unrepeated F’s.
GPA computations are carried to the third decimal place from which rounding takes place to the second decimal place. For example, a computed GPA of 2.994 will be rounded down to 2.990. A computed GPA of 2.995 will be rounded up to 3.000. On all official LIU transcripts, a GPA will be displayed to three decimal places with the third decimal place always being zero due to rounding.
The college reserves the right to dismiss, at any time, a student whose academic record is unsatisfactory. To be in good academic standing, a student must make appropriate progress toward fulfilling all requirements of the graduate program (M.S. or Ph.D.) in which he/she is enrolled. Failure to do so will be cause for dismissal. Academic probation is the initial official act for a student failing to make satisfactory progress. Students will be duly notified by the program director that they have been placed on probation.
A graduate student will be placed on probation for:
A graduate student will be dismissed from the program for:
A student may appeal an academic dismissal once by petition to the associate dean of the college. The petition should present a thorough analysis by the student of the reasons for having failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress and a comprehensive plan for rectifying his/her deficiencies within a reasonable period of time, preferably after one semester of study but not exceeding two semesters of study, and that conforms with all other academic regulations of the college. The petition is considered by the associate dean who may request that the student appear in person to substantiate his/her position and answer questions. Students are advised that successful appeals of academic dismissals are rare and usually occur only in those circumstances where substantive underlying causes for unsatisfactory academic progress were previously unknown to the college. Generally, in cases where substantive underlying causes exist for unsatisfactory progress, an extension of academic probation will have been granted to allow the student additional opportunity to remedy his/her noncompliance with satisfactory academic progress. Decisions of the associate dean that a student believes may demonstrate arbitrary and capricious treatment or to be fundamentally unfair may be appealed, as a final step, to the dean of LIU Pharmacy.
A criminal conviction and/or the use of illegal drugs may impede or bar your entry into your chosen field of study. Students seeking entrance into many graduate fields of study including counseling, education, and health and human services professions should be aware that a criminal record can result in the refusal of licensing/certification/registration agencies to issue the credential needed to practice in that field of study. Prospective students are urged to contact the pertinent state and/or federal licensing agency to inquire whether a criminal record will have an impact on licensure or certification eligibility.
Many clinical/field experience affiliates now require the completion of criminal background checks and/or drug testing for employees, volunteers and students affiliated with the site. Therefore, students who plan to participate in a clinical/field experience may be asked to undergo a criminal background check, and/or a drug screen. Students should be aware that our clinical/field affiliates can reject or remove a student from the site if a criminal record is discovered or if a drug test is positive. In the event that a student is rejected from a clinical/field site due to information contained in the criminal background check, or drug screen, the student may be unable to complete a required clinical/field experience. In such an event, the student, may be advised to withdraw from the program.
Newly admitted students to the graduate programs should closely follow the registration procedures provided to them. It is highly recommended that they consult with the program director about course selection, and work with the coordinator of graduate programs and the program director to learn the specific requirements of the selected program.
Registration for Continuing StudentsRegistration beyond the first semester depends on satisfactory progress in fulfilling college graduate programs’ conditions. For further information about grade requirements, see the section “Academic Standards”. For continuing students in good standing, registration for approved degree program courses outlined in the LIU Pharmacy bulletin is required. Students not fulfilling the requirements should make an appointment with the program director before registering for courses in order to obtain approval and update the progression worksheet maintained in the Office of Graduate Studies.
Late RegistrationBeginning the first day of classes for a session and continuing for approximately two weeks is a period of time referred to as Late Registration. Within the late registration period, a student may register for courses only with the consent of the program director. After the late registration period, consent of the associate dean is required. Please refer to the academic calendar maintained by Enrollment Services for registration dates and deadlines.
It is expected that students will fulfill the requirements for advanced degrees by registering over successive semesters. Degree candidates may find themselves unable to register for courses during one or more semesters, or to complete all coursework because they are working on their thesis. To remain on an active status and to qualify for a degree under the requirements in effect when admitted, such students must register each semester by writing “Maintenance of Matriculation” on the registration form and paying a $250 fee for each such semester. A student who fails to register under “Maintenance of Matriculation” will be classified as inactive. Re-admission will require the submission of a new application for admission and a review of the student’s record and qualifications with respect to the requirements for admission in effect at the time of readmission.
Students serving in the Armed Forces of the United States maintain matriculation automatically during the time of their service. They are required, however, to inform the Office of Graduate Studies of the dates of their entrance into military service and termination of active duty.
Maintenance of matriculation for M.S. students without attending classes is limited to one year. Approval for extension of this time limit must be obtained from the associate dean or a designated representative. The limitation on maintenance of matriculation does not apply to Ph.D. candidates who have begun work on their doctoral dissertation.
Students who fail to withdraw officially from a course by the date so indicated by the Office of Graduate Studies, and do not attend and/or meet the course requirements have, in fact, earned an “F,” and will receive that grade designation. The grade “W” will be given to students who are in compliance with official withdrawal procedures. Students themselves must initiate formal withdrawal procedures. Failure to do so can result in loss of possible refunds or inaccurate records of academic performance (or both). Students must obtain a Withdrawal Form from the Office of Graduate Studies and have this form signed by the instructor of the course(s) concerned.
A student who wishes to withdraw from the college should notify the Office of Graduate Studies in writing. Otherwise, honorable dismissal will be withheld. No certificate or transcript of record will be granted, however, until all financial indebtedness is settled. If a student withdraws from the college prior to the completion of a semester, he or she must file the appropriate Withdrawal Form with the Office of the Registrar.
A student who withdraws from a course in which he or she is doing satisfactory work will be given the grade W. A student registered for a course is considered to be in attendance until the date of his or her official withdrawal.
Withdrawal from courses is permissible at any time up to deadline established by the Office of Graduate Studies. The symbol UW is assigned when a student unofficially withdraws from a course. Neither W nor UW is computed in the student’s average.
Students who are on academic probation when they withdraw from all courses are not eligible for readmission without their dean’s approval.
Withdrawal to Enter the Armed ForcesStudents withdrawing to enter into the Armed Services should note carefully the following regulations outlining the position of the college with regard to such withdrawal:
When a student withdraws, the university will refund tuition according to the schedule shown on the pages following Tuition and Fees listings.
Registration, graduation and university fees are not subject to proration and are not returnable.
Date of withdrawal will be considered the day on which the student has completed all Withdrawal Forms and has submitted these forms to the Office of the Registrar.
A student may be dismissed at any time for misconduct of such a nature as to be prejudicial to the college. In the event of such dismissal, fees will not be refunded in whole or in part.
Master of Science students may elect either a Thesis Option or Non-Thesis Option (see below). Doctoral students should consult the program for the Plan of Study (see Graduate Curriculum).
The responsibility for properly fulfilling the requirements for degrees rests entirely with the student. Students generally meet the requirements announced in the graduate section of the LIU Pharmacy Bulletin for the academic year in which they were matriculated or readmitted. Students for whom graduation requirements change during their progress to a degree may, with the permission of the Associate Dean, choose requirements in effect at the time of admission or those in effect at the end of the course of study.
Exceptions to the provisions of this section of this bulletin may be made only with the prior written sanction of the associate dean on the recommendation of the appropriate program director.
Thesis OptionNOTE: Thesis Option students enrolled in the M.S. in Pharmaceutics with specialization in Industrial Pharmacy must also successfully pass a written comprehensive examination in addition to the completion of the Thesis.
Non-Thesis OptionNote: Students should refer to the information on individual Master of Science programs in the Graduate Curriculum section of this bulletin for specific information and coursework requirements in each area of specialization, and for information regarding any other degree requirements that may pertain to their areas of specialization.
Comprehensive Examination for Master's StudentsPassing the comprehensive exam at the master’s level is required for the M.S. degree for non-thesis students enrolled in the Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pharmaceutics with Specialization in Cosmetic Science, and Drug Regulatory Affairs programs. Passing the comprehensive exam at the master's level is required for the M.S. degree for all students (thesis and non-thesis) enrolled in the Pharmaceutics with Specialization in Industrial Pharmacy program.
The comprehensive examination is given twice each year, generally in early December and late April. Students should apply for the comprehensive exam in their final semester. Students should contact the coordinator of graduate programs for forms, application deadlines and examination dates.
A score of 75 or higher is required to pass the examination. If a student has not successfully completed his/her coursework in the semester during which he/she takes the exam, he/she will have to repeat the coursework and re-take the exam. If a student fails the exam and wants to review the exam, he/she should do so within 7 days following receipt of his score.
The Office of Graduate Programs shall inform students, in writing, of their scores.