Doctor of Pharmacy Program Academic Standards and Policies

Doctor of Pharmacy Program Academic Standards and Policies

Academic Responsibility

Candidates for a professional degree from LIU Pharmacy are expected to know the graduation requirements set forth in this publication. It is the responsibility of the student to know and comply with the academic requirements and regulations of the college as well as those of LIU.

All students must seek the counsel of an academic advisor. Students must also meet basic standards of performance established for each class with respect to attendance, promptness in completing assignments, correct English usage, accuracy in calculations, neatness and general quality of workmanship. Fulfillment of these fundamental responsibilities must be recognized by the student as an essential prerequisite to achieving satisfactory academic standing and to being recommended by the faculty for a degree.

Full-Time Students

A full-time student is one who is carrying 12 or more credit hours in each semester. Sixth-year students registered for six or more credits in the summer are considered full-time for the summer session.

Academic Status

Third-Year Student: A student who has completed the pre-professional requirements with a minimum GPA of 3.000.

Fourth-Year Student: A student who has finished all third-year courses with a minimum GPA of 2.330 (students entering the professional phase of the program prior fall 2017) and 2.000 (students entering the professional phase of the program in fall 2017 and after)

Fifth-Year Student: A student who has completed all fourth-year courses with a minimum GPA of 2.330 (students entering the professional phase of the program prior fall 2017) and 2.000 (students entering the professional phase of the program in fall 2017 and after)


Sixth-Year Student: A student who has completed all fifth-year courses with a minimum GPA of 2.330 (students entering the professional phase of the program prior fall 2017) and 2.000 (students entering the professional phase of the program in fall 2017 and after)


Summer Session(s)

A maximum of eight credit hours of coursework is allowed during any one summer session except for the sixth-year student’s advanced practice experiences or by special permission from the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.


Residency / Policy for Taking Courses at Another Institution

All courses for the professional phase of the Doctor of Pharmacy program (years 3-6) must be taken in residence at LIU Pharmacy. Pre-professional matriculated students at LIU Brooklyn may only take courses at another institution as a visiting student under the following conditions:

  1. Students must file an “Application to Take Courses at Another Institution” with their respective dean’s office. Students must provide evidence of course equivalency to the corresponding LIU Brooklyn course. Note: Permission must be granted by the dean, not the student’s academic advisor.
  2. The other institution must be a four-year accredited institution (two-year community colleges are unacceptable).
  3. Students may not take a course at another institution within the New York City metropolitan area (within a 50-mile radius of LIU Brooklyn) if the course is being offered at LIU Brooklyn.
  4. If a course required for graduation is not being offered at LIU Brooklyn in a given semester, or the student lives outside the New York City metropolitan area, then permission can be considered.
  5. Students must be in good academic standing; students on academic probation cannot be granted permission to attend other institutions.
  6. The visiting student authorization becomes automatically invalid if, by the conclusion of the term during which it is granted, the student is placed on academic probation.
  7. Only letter grades of C or above are acceptable for transfer credit. Grades of D or P are not transferable. Grades earned at another institution are not used in the computation of either the student’s major or cumulative average, they do not remove F grades earned at LIU Brooklyn, nor do they count toward fulfillment of residence requirements or the requirements for graduation with honors.
  8. Visiting student authorizations are granted for a maximum of 9 credits.

Grades and Symbols

The following grades are used: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F, P.
The following symbols are used:

U: The symbol U is assigned in certain proficiency courses when a student has completed all work in a fashion unacceptable to warrant a passing grade. The student must repeat the course in the semester immediately following. The symbol U is not computed in the student’s average. A student may receive only one U symbol in any course. On the second enrollment, the student must either satisfactorily complete the course or receive an F.

 INC: The symbol INC (Incomplete) may be assigned if, for reasons acceptable to the instructor, a student has failed to complete a part of the required coursework. An INC is given only at the discretion of the faculty member. It is the student’s responsibility to make specific arrangements with the instructor to complete the coursework and to have the grade submitted to Enrollment Services before the end of the next semester. If the course is completed within the next semester, both the INC and the final grade will appear on the student’s permanent record. Satisfactory completion of the course does not eliminate the original “Incomplete” designation.

An INC grade that is not made up during the next semester becomes an F.

W: The symbol W (Withdrew) is assigned when a student officially withdraws from a course in which the student was doing satisfactory work. Students must obtain a Withdrawal Form from Enrollment Services and have this form signed by the instructor of the course(s) concerned. (See also under WITHDRAWAL.)

UW (Unauthorized Withdrawal): The symbol UW is assigned when a student unofficially withdraws from a course. The UW is not computed in the student’s average.

PASS-FAIL OPTION: In elective courses, the student has the option of choosing his or her course grade on a P-F basis or on the regular letter-grade basis. This choice must be made and indicated to the instructor no later than the official withdrawal date for the course. Certain required courses must be taken on a Pass-Fail basis. Grades in Special Projects courses and certain experiential courses are P and F.

Quality Points

The quality point value 4.000 has been assigned to the grade of A, 3.667 to the grade of A-, 3.333 to B+, 3.000 to B, 2.667 to B-, 2.333 to C+, 2.000 to C, 1.667 to C-, 1.000 to D, and 0.000 to F. The quality points to which a student is entitled are computed by the formula X = N x Y, where X is the number of quality points, N the quality point value assigned to the grade, and Y the number of credits.

The GPA is obtained by dividing the sum of the quality points received in all courses by the total number of credits, including unrepeated F’s. A credit is equivalent to 1 lecture or recitation hour and/or 2-3 laboratory hours per semester.

GPA computations are carried to the third decimal place from which rounding takes place to the second decimal place. For example, a computed GPA of 2.994 will be rounded down to 2.990. A computed GPA of 2.995 will be rounded up to 3.000. On all official LIU transcripts, a GPA will be displayed to three decimal places with the third decimal place always being zero due to rounding.

To graduate, a student must have a GPA of no less than 2.330 in all work and 2.330 in the professional coursework.

Dean's List

The Dean’s List for each semester of each class year consists of those matriculated students who are registered in that class year, have completed at least 12 credits during that semester, received a passing grade in every subject for that semester and achieved a GPA of 3.500 or more for that semester. Students who earn a D, F, W, UW, U, or INC in any semester, even though the symbols are subsequently changed to grades, may not be placed on the Dean’s List for that semester. A student who does not receive an official grade in any semester will not be placed on the Dean’s list until the official grade is handed in, excluding those listed above, that otherwise qualifies the student for the Dean’s list.


Successful work in LIU Pharmacy is dependent upon regular class attendance. All students are expected to attend classes and to participate in classroom activities. Faculty have the right to weigh attendance and class participation in determining grades. Consequently, excessive absences may impact negatively on the evaluation of a student’s performance.

Pre-professional pharmacy students should consult the LIU Brooklyn Undergraduate Bulletin regarding attendance requirements.

For students enrolled in years P-3, P-4, P-5 and P-6, faculty will inform students at the beginning of each semester of policies governing attendance as written in the course outline or syllabus distributed to the students.

Attendance is required of all students in years P-3, P-4, P-5 and P-6 in recitations, laboratories and in Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences. Students in the experiential programs may be permitted to leave the sites from time to time when returning to the college for special events, upon the approval of the preceptors.


Students are expected to be present from the beginning of classes and laboratories until the instructor dismisses them. Students are expected to comply with the hours set by preceptors for experiential courses. If students arrive late, they may be denied admission or marked absent. Habitual tardiness and/or failure to attend hours set by preceptors for experiential courses may impact negatively on the evaluation of a student's performance. Additionally, disciplinary action may be undertaken for students with habitual inattentiveness to punctuality and attendance.


Absence from Tests and Examinations

If a student is absent from any test or examination, including a final examination, the instructor may afford or deny him or her an opportunity to make up the work that was missed. In such cases, the instructor is the sole judge of the validity of the student’s excuse.

Absence from a Final Examination

 Any student who for any reason is absent from a final examination and who wishes to take a deferred final examination is required to apply, in writing, within five days to the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to ask for permission to take a deferred final examination, giving the reason for the absence from the examination. The student also may need permission from the course instructor, as noted in individual syllabi.

If the absence was caused by sickness or injury, the letter must be accompanied by a medical certificate stating when the illness began or the injury was sustained, and the number of days of confinement recommended by the physician. If the absence was caused by death in the immediate family, the student must indicate the date of death and the relationship to the deceased.

Graduation Requirements

Upon recommendation of the faculty and approval by the board of trustees, the Doctor of Pharmacy is conferred by LIU upon a candidate who has met the following requirements:

  1. Satisfactory completion of the full prescribed curriculum or two or more years in this college and the required equivalent courses in some other registered and accredited college of pharmacy, or departments of a university.
  2. Maintenance of a professional GPA as per the academic standings policy.
  3. Satisfactory completion of all professional requirements including Co-curriculum, PCOA, Pre-APPEs, Portfolios, and IPE activities.
  4. Satisfactory demonstration of computer competency.
  5. Satisfactory completion of the minimum requirements of the Writing Across the Curriculum program or equivalent coursework as defined by the college.
  6. Settlement of all accounts with the university, including the graduation fee.
  7. Evidence of good ethical and professional character.

Students have until the time of their graduation to have changes made on their academic records. Once a student has graduated, the academic record cannot be changed retroactively.

Degrees with Distinction

Students who have completed at least 60 percent of their credits in residence at the college and have achieved a grade point average of 3.500, 3.700, or 3.800 may receive a Doctor of Pharmacy degree cum laude, magna cum laude, or summa cum laude, respectively.


Academic Standards: Academic Probation and Dismissal (for students beginning the professional phase before fall 2017)


Academic Probation

Conditions of a student’s academic probation are as follows:

1. Typically, the maximum number of semesters, terms or sessions exclusive of summer sessions, of academic probation permitted is two during the professional phase (P3, P4, P5 and P6) of study. The two semesters may be either consecutive or separate. Any student who is on or qualifies for probation for a third semester in either the pre-professional phase professional phase of study will, with great probability, be academically dismissed from the College. On rare occasions, upon review by the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and/or the College’s Scholastic Committee, additional semesters, terms or sessions of academic probation may be afforded the student in order for the student to remedy his or her noncompliance with the standards of satisfactory academic progress. When such extension of academic probation is granted, it shall not be construed that further extensions will be granted or that the possibility of academic dismissal or suspension is lessened should noncompliance with the standards of academic progress continue to exist at the conclusion of the probationary period extension. Student on extensions of academic probation are typically required to conform to a written agreement regarding their academic progress. Failure to achieve the levels of academic performance as specified in the agreement is cause for academic dismissal from the College.

2. Students who are not in compliance with the standards of academic progression for any reason are not permitted under any circumstances to enroll and/or participate in any courses with experiential components. Students who come into noncompliance with the standards of academic progression at any time that they may be enrolled or participating in any courses with experiential components will immediately be required to withdraw from those courses and will not be permitted to re-enroll or participate in such courses until their noncompliance with the standards of academic progression are remedied.

3. A student who has been placed on academic probation is limited in participation in extracurricular activities. A probationary student may hold membership in clubs, organizations and fraternal societies. A probationary student is barred from holding any office, chair or committee seat in such clubs, organizations and fraternal societies. A probationary student may attend lectures and other events sponsored by such clubs, organizations and fraternal societies and/or by the College that are deemed to be of an educational nature.

4. A student on academic probation is or may be required to participate in academic counseling and/or enroll in a remedial program of study.

Academic Dismissal

Conditions of a student’s academic dismissal are as follows:

The College reserves the right, as previously noted, to academically dismiss a student at any time if a determination is made, after a thorough review by the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs and/or the Scholastic Committee of the College, that the student’s academic record is unsatisfactory or otherwise does not comply for any reason with the standards of satisfactory academic progress. Typically, academic dismissal occurs whenever a determination has been made by LIU Pharmacy that a student’s failure to maintain satisfactory progress is of such severity or length of time, as defined by the following guidelines, that the student should be permanently withdrawn from the College. When applying a standard of length of time to an academic dismissal, except in those rare instances, as noted above, where an extension of academic probation may be granted, dismissal will be applied whenever the student has maintained, for two semesters, and overall cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of less than 2.330 in all courses attempted, two semesters of maintaining a cumulative GPA of less than 2.330 in all professional pharmacy courses attempted that are herein prescribed for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth year of study, or two semesters, terms or sessions accumulating two instances of a GPA of less than 2.330 for a semester, term or session attended. When applying a standard of severity to an academic dismissal, a dismissal may be applied at any time that a student has acquired an overall GPA of 1.750 or less in all courses attempted or a GPA of 1.750 or less for a semester, term or session attended. For students in the professional phase of the program (3rd, 4th, 5th or 6th year) academic dismissal may be applied if the GPA in all professional courses attempted that are herein prescribed for the third, fourth, fifth and sixth year of study is 1.750 or less after one semester of study in the professional phase, 1.950 or less after two semesters of study in the professional phase, or 2.200 or less after three or more semesters of study.

A student may appeal an academic dismissal once by petition to the Scholastic Committee of the College. The petition should present a thorough analysis by the student of the reasons for having failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress and a comprehensive plan for rectifying his/her deficiencies within a reasonable period of time, preferably after one semester of study but not exceeding two semesters of study, and that conforms with all other academic regulations of the College. The petition is considered by the Scholastic Committee, which may request that the student appear before this committee to substantiate his/her position and answer questions. The Committee then makes its recommendations on the petition to the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Students are advised that successful appeals of academic dismissals are rare and usually occur only in those circumstances where substantive underlying causes for unsatisfactory academic progress were previously unknown to the College. Generally, as noted above, in cases where substantive underlying causes exist for unsatisfactory progress, an extension of academic probation will have been granted to allow the student additional opportunity to remedy his/her noncompliance with satisfactory academic progress. Decisions of the Scholastic Committee and/or the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs that a student believes may demonstrate arbitrary and capricious treatment or to be fundamentally unfair may be appealed, as a final step, to the Dean of LIU Pharmacy.


Academic Standards: Academic Probation and Dismissal (for students beginning the professional phase in fall 2017 or after)

Academic probation represents notice to a student demonstrating an ongoing subpar academic performance.  A student on probation for two consecutive semesters will be afforded a comprehensive plan on how to return to a good/acceptable academic standing.  A student on probation for three consecutive semesters will be recommended by the Scholastic Committee for dismissal from the College’s Professional Program. (Refer to Guidelines for Student Progression of Didactic Courses P3, P4, P5 Section). A student will be notified in writing of placement on academic probation.  Grades for courses completed in the summer will be reviewed before progression into the next academic year. Any student on academic probation must meet with their academic advisor and faculty mentor a minimum of twice in a semester. The student will also be required to attend academic workshops. A student will be removed from academic probation when the student demonstrates adequate academic performance.

Guidelines for Student Progression of Didactic Courses (P3, P4, P5)

  • The progression of a student to the next professional year of the Pharm.D. Program is dependent on successful completion of the current professional year.
  • Progression plans are per academic year.
  • Grade combinations are for didactic courses completed for the first time except where noted as cumulative. Grades and professional GPA will be reviewed at the end of each semester, summer (if courses are completed during the summer), and professional year.
    • A GPA below 2.0 will trigger a scholastic review of a student’s performance.
    • Under special circumstances, a student may be dismissed irrespective of their GPA from the College’s Professional Program based on single semester’s unsuccessful course performance. 

The following outlines situations affecting a student’s progression in the Pharm.D. Program:


GPA/Grade Combinations

Number of Probations

Recommended Action

Recommended Academic Status

GPA < 2.00

Academic Review

Academic Probation

D, D

Academic Review

Grade of F: Remediation*

Grade of D and C-: Optional Remediation*

Academic Probation

F, D

F, F

D, D, D

Academic Review

and Academic Delay

Academic Review and Probation

F, D, D

F, F, D

F, F, F (cumulative)

Dismissal from College’s Professional Program**

D, D, D, D (cumulative)**

D, D, D, F (cumulative)**

D, D, F, F (cumulative)

Probation for 3 consecutive semesters

Dismissal from College’s Professional Program**

*A student is only allowed to remediate one course during winter intersession and two courses during summer intersession, one course per each summer block


Appeal Process

  • Following notification for dismissal or progression in the Pharm.D. Program, a student may appeal this action in writing to the Scholastic Committee of the College, within 5 working days of the receipt of the action letter.
  • The appeal should include the reason why the student is appealing the committees’ decision, and the student’s comprehensive plan for academic success.
  • The appeal is considered by the Scholastic Committee who provides a final recommendation to the Associate Dean for Academic and student Affairs.
  • Students may appeal decisions of the Scholastic Committee and or the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to the Dean of LIU Pharmacy. The student should provide a written petition within 5 working days of the receipt of the letter.
  • The Dean may choose to consult with the Scholastic Committee prior making a final decision. The Dean may grant an appeal only if a student can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. Further documentation (e.g. death certificate, proof of hospitalization) not available to the Committee at the time of initial decision.
  2. Extenuating circumstances or alternative solutions to the decision.
  3. Documented bias of one or more Committee members.
  4. Procedural error.

Academic suspension

Academic suspension may occur in those cases when it is the determination of LIU Pharmacy that the particulars of a student’s failure to achieve satisfactory progress are of such nature that a period of time away from the College would likely improve the prospects for remediation of unsatisfactory progress when the student is permitted to resume his/her studies. By way of example, academic suspension might be prescribed when a student indicates that his/her failure to maintain satisfactory progress is due to some type of personal circumstance, such as infirmity, family problems or economic difficulties. In such cases, the College may require a period of academic suspension of from one-to-two semesters of study until such time that the extenuating causes that have been determined to be factors in the student’s unsatisfactory progress have been reasonably ameliorated. Academic suspension may also be applied when the student’s academic difficulties have created a situation where he/she may need to repeat courses in order to meet the prerequisite qualifications to move forward into the next term of study.

Grade Appeal Process

Generally, students who wish to appeal a course grade should first attempt to resolve the issue with their instructor. The student may also consult the chair of the academic department that offers the class. Failing a satisfactory resolution, the student may appeal the grade in accordance with the procedures outlined below:

  • Following receipt of the grade in dispute the student should make every effort to work with the instructor or division director to resolve the situation. Failing to obtain recourse at the prior levels, the student may appeal the grade in writing to the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs, within 5 working days of the receipt of the decision of the division director.
  • The appeal should include the reason why the student is appealing the instructor’s decision, and the student’s comprehensive plan for academic success.
  • The appeal is considered by the Associate Dean for Academic and student Affairs who reviews the case via consultation with all parties involved and may convene the disciplinary committee, if necessary.
  • The committee advises the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs regarding the matter.
  • The Office of Student and Professional Affairs will contact the student with the Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs’ decision on the grade appeal.
  • If the student should seek further recourse, the student may appeal the decision to the Dean of LIU Pharmacy. The student should provide a written petition within 5 working days of the receipt of the Associate Dean’s decision on the grade appeal.
  • The Dean may choose to consult with the Associate Dean prior making a final decision. The Dean may grant an appeal only if a student can demonstrate one of the following:
  1. Further documentation (e.g. death certificate, proof of hospitalization) not available to the Committee at the time of initial decision.
  2. Extenuating circumstances or alternative solutions to the decision.
  3. Documented bias of one or more of the parties involved.
  4. Procedural error.


Criminal Background and Drug Testing

A criminal conviction and/or the use of illegal drugs may impede or bar your entry into your chosen field of study. Students seeking entrance into many graduate fields of study including counseling, education, and health and human services professions should be aware that a criminal record can result in the refusal of licensing/certification/registration agencies to issue the credential needed to practice in that field of study. Prospective students are urged to contact the pertinent state and/or federal licensing agency to inquire whether a criminal record will have an impact on licensure or certification eligibility.

Many clinical/field experience affiliates now require the completion of criminal background checks and/or drug testing for employees, volunteers and students affiliated with the site. Therefore, students who plan to participate in a clinical/field experience may be asked to undergo a criminal background check, and/or a drug screen. Students should be aware that our clinical/field affiliates may reject or remove a student from the site if a criminal record is discovered or if a drug test is positive. In the event that a student is rejected from a clinical/field site due to information contained in the criminal background check, or drug screen, the student may be unable to complete a required clinical/field experience. In such an event, the student may be advised to withdraw from the program.

Policy/Procedure on Criminal Background Checks for Doctor of Pharmacy Students


LIU Pharmacy requires each student in the professional program to obtain an annual criminal background check report. The Office of Experiential Education uses Validity Screening Solutions to perform background checks. Contact information for Validity Screening Solutions is as follows:

The Office of Experiential Education initiates the background check process by emailing the students a reminder of this requirement and provides a deadline for completion. Instructions for completing the criminal background checks are found on RxPreceptor by going to “Communications/Support” then “Document Library”. The document is titled, “Instructions for Completing a Criminal Background Check”. Students are required to follow all instructions provided by Validity Screening Solutions and complete the process within the allotted time frame. Failure to complete the screening within the allotted time frame may result in inability to participate in experiential education, including withdrawal from assigned course/site, and possible disciplinary action. Students are responsible for all fees associated with the screening.

Results of the background checks are available to students by the vendor (Validity Screening Solutions) within a few days after completion. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain copies of his/her reports to share with experiential sites upon request. Instruction for obtaining copies of reports may be found on RxPreceptor by going to “Communications/Support” then “Document Library”. The document is titled, “Instructions for obtaining a copy of Criminal Background Check Report”. Completed reports are also emailed to the Office of Experiential Education by the vendor. Results from a company other than Validity Screening Solutions will not be accepted by the college.

Practice sites may request that students complete additional background checks. It is the responsibility of the student to comply with site policies for background checks and/or provide practice sites with a copy of the results (if requested). Practice sites reserve the right to require screening by any vendor acceptable to them.

Any questionable findings from the criminal background check will be flagged by Validity Screening Solutions and will be reviewed on an individual basis by the members of the Office of Experiential Education and may be shared with the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, legal counsel, or other designated individuals. Questionable findings obtained from criminal background checks may delay or prevent students from completing introductory and/or advanced pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs and/or APPEs), continuing in the program, and/or graduating.

Review of Background Check Results

Students have the right to review the information reported by the designated vendor for accuracy and completeness and to request that they verify that the criminal background information provided is correct. All disputes pertaining to the criminal background check findings must be communicated in writing directly to the contracted company that conducted the check (Email (for students): In addition, the student must inform the Office of Experiential Education by emailing a copy of the complaint statement to and include “Dispute of Criminal Background Check Results” in the subject line. Re-verification will be made if the company determines that reasonable grounds exist. If parts of the report are deleted or changed because of re-verification, the Office of Experiential Education and the student will receive a corrected report.

 Results from the criminal background check will be reviewed as follows:

  • The report submitted to the college by the vendor will be reviewed by members of the Office of Experiential Education.
  • If the report shows a questionable finding, a representative from the Office of Experiential Education may request that the student submit additional information relating to the finding(s) on the report, such as a written explanation, court documents and/or police reports.
    • Prior to making a final determination that will adversely affect the student, the Office of Experiential Education will inform the student of his or her rights and the procedures regarding how to challenge the accuracy of the criminal background check report.
    • If deemed necessary, the director of Experiential Education will submit the report and any additional information provided by the student for review by other designated individuals, such as but not limited to, The Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee. The director of Experiential Education will forward this information as soon as possible after the disclosure or discovery of the questionable finding(s).
    • If convened, the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee will review all information provided and provide a formal, written recommendation to the associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Recommendations from the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee may include:
      • Allow the student to proceed in the academic program without restriction
      • Allow the student to proceed in the academic program with specified terms and conditions
      • Suspend the student or arrange for a leave of absence to address the issue(s) identified
      • Dismiss the student
      • The associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs will review the committee’s recommendation and make a final decision, which will be communicated to the student and the Office of Experiential Education in writing.
      • The associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs, with or without involvement of other designated individuals, may dismiss the student, suspend the student, or require the student to comply with specific terms and conditions for any duration of participation in the program.  Notification from the university/college that a student is dismissed, suspended, or otherwise required to comply with set conditions will be done via letter from the Office of Student and Professional Affairs.  A student may appeal that decision in accordance with the university’s grievance procedure found in the LIU Pharmacy Bulletin and on the LIU website at

College Disclaimer

The LIU Pharmacy Criminal Background Check process does not guarantee the safety of students, patients, faculty, or staff. In addition, an acceptable criminal background check, as defined by the college, state, or experiential site; does not guarantee the student will be eligible to complete the program or obtain a license to practice pharmacy upon graduation.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

If an employer hires an outside individual or firm to conduct a criminal background check, the employer is subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Although FCRA does not explicitly include educational institutions, the applicability to colleges and schools of pharmacy may depend on legal interpretation and circumstances. A link to an individual’s rights under the federal Fair Credit Report Act (FCRA) 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq. A copy of the FCRA is available online at

Policy/Procedure Drug Screening for Doctor of Pharmacy Students


LIU Pharmacy requires each student in the professional program to obtain an annual random drug screen. The Office of Experiential Education uses Validity Screening Solutions to perform drug screening. Contact information for Validity Screening Solutions is as follows:

Students are made aware of the requirement during initial orientation at the beginning of the P-3 year but since screening is random, they are not provided the time frames in advance. The Office of Experiential Education initiates the drug screen process by emailing the students a reminder of this requirement and instructs each student to go to certain commercial laboratories to have the drug screen performed. Many affiliated laboratories have early morning, late evening, and/or weekend hours. The screening is required at a minimum once per year but additional, more frequent screenings may be required by individual sites. The time frame for completion of the drug screen is provided to students in the email and is usually within 72 hours from the time of notification. Instructions for completing the drug screen are found on RxPreceptor by going to “Communications/Support” then “Document Library”. The document is titled, “Instructions for Completing a Drug Screen”. Students are required to follow the instructions provided by Validity Screening Solutions and complete the process within the allotted time frame. Failure to complete the screening within the allotted time frame may result in inability to participate in experiential education, including withdrawal from assigned course/site, and possible disciplinary action. Students are responsible for all fees associated with the screening.

Results of the drug screening are available to students by the vendor (Validity Screening Solutions) within a few days after completion. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain copies of his/her reports to share with experiential sites upon request. Instruction for obtaining copies of reports may be found on RxPreceptor by going to “Communications/Support” then “Document Library”. The document is titled, “Instructions for obtaining a copy of Drug Screening report”. Completed reports are also emailed to the Office of Experiential Education by the vendor. Results from a company other than Validity Screening Solutions will not be accepted by the college.

Practice sites may request that students complete additional and/or more frequent drug screening. It is the responsibility of the student to comply with site policies for drug screening and/or provide practice sites with a copy of the results (if requested). Practice sites reserve the right to require screening by any vendor acceptable to them.

Any undesirable findings from the drug screen will be flagged by Validity Screening Solutions and will be reviewed on an individual basis by the members of the Office of Experiential Education and may be shared with the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee, associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs, legal counsel, or other designated individuals. Undesirable findings obtained from drug screening may delay or prevent students from completing introductory and/or advanced pharmacy practice experiences (IPPEs and/or APPEs), continuing in the program, and/or graduating.

Review of Drug Screen Results

Students have the right to review the information reported by the designated vendor for accuracy and completeness and to request that they verify that the drug screening information provided is correct. All disputes pertaining to the drug screen findings must be communicated in writing directly to the contracted company that conducted the check (Email (for students): In addition, the student must inform the Office of Experiential Education by emailing a copy of the complaint statement to and include “Dispute of Drug Screening Results” in the subject line. Re-verification will be made if the company determines that reasonable grounds exist. If parts of the report are deleted or changed because of re-verification, the Office of Experiential Education and the student will receive a corrected report.

Results from the drug screen will be reviewed as follows:

  • The report submitted to the college by the vendor will be reviewed by members of the Office of Experiential Education.
  • If the report shows undesirable finding(s), a representative from the Office of Experiential Education may request that the student submit additional information relating to the findings on the report, such as a written explanation, prescription(s) from a licensed physician, etc.
    • Prior to making a final determination that will adversely affect the student, the Office of Experiential Education will inform the student of his or her rights and the procedures regarding how to challenge the accuracy of the drug screening report.
  • If deemed necessary, the director of Experiential Education or designee will submit the report and any additional information provided by the student for review by other designated individuals, such as but not limited to, The Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee. The director of Experiential Education or designee will forward this information as soon as possible after the disclosure or discovery of the undesirable finding(s).
  • If convened, the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee will review all information provided and provide a formal, written recommendation to the associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Recommendations from the Criminal Background Check and Drug Screening Review Committee may include:
    • Allow the student to proceed in the academic program without restriction
    • Allow the student to proceed in the academic program with specified terms and conditions
    • Suspend the student or arrange for a leave of absence to address the issue(s) identified
    • Dismiss the student
  • The associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs will review the committee’s recommendation and make a final decision, which will be communicated to the student and the Office of Experiential Education in writing.
  • The associate dean for Academic and Student Affairs, with or without involvement of other designated individuals, may dismiss the student, suspend the student, or require the student to comply with specific terms and conditions for any duration of participation in the program. Notification from the university/college that a student is dismissed, suspended, or otherwise required to comply with set conditions will be done via letter from the Office of Student and Professional Affairs. A student may appeal that decision in accordance with the university’s grievance procedure found in the LIU Pharmacy Bulletin and on the LIU website at

College Disclaimer

The LIU Pharmacy Drug Screening process does not guarantee the safety of students, patients, faculty, or staff. In addition, an acceptable drug screen, as defined by the college, state, or experiential site; does not guarantee the student will be eligible to complete the program or obtain a license to practice pharmacy upon graduation.

Fair Credit Reporting Act

If an employer hires an outside individual or firm to conduct a drug screen, the employer is subject to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Although FCRA does not explicitly include educational institutions, the applicability to colleges and schools of pharmacy may depend on legal interpretation and circumstances.

Public Information Policy

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974 specifically provides that a school may provide what they deem 'directory information," without the student's consent or as provided by the law.  Directory information at Long Island University includes the following:  the student's name, enrollment status, class, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees and awards received, past and present participation in officially recognized sports and non-curricular activities, physical factors (height, weight) of athletes and the most previous educational agency or institution attended.  Students who wish to have their directory information withheld can make this election by filing the appropriate form at Enrollment Services.


Minors and Double Majors

In addition to having the professional program in pharmacy as a student's major students may wish to have a minor. A minor may consist of at least 12 credits in courses numbered over 100 in a department or discipline other than LIU Pharmacy. A student must have permission of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs to complete a minor. Once a student successfully completes 12 or more credits in courses numbered over 100 for a minor, the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs will notify Enrollment Services to enter the minor on the student's transcript. Due to the course requirement of the Doctor of Pharmacy program plan, in the vast majority of cases electing to pursue a minor will necessitate additional credits for the completion of the degree.

Students pursuing the Doctor of Pharmacy program are not permitted to pursue a double major.


Generally, students are expected to enroll in elective offerings of Doctor of Pharmacy program of LIU Pharmacy to fulfill the elective requirements for the degree. On occasion, students may be granted permission to take graduate course offerings of LIU Pharmacy and/or course offerings from other colleges and schools of LIU Brooklyn. Students wishing to receive credit for the fulfillment of professional elective requirements for courses outside of those offered as professional electives must seek permission from the Associate Dean of Academic and Professional Affairs in advance of enrolling in such courses. Students are expected to present written statements indicating their reasoning for enrollment in electives other than those offered through the Doctor of Pharmacy degree program.


Repeating Courses

Students may repeat any course to improve the grade, no matter what the previous grade was. To repeat a course more than once, they must have permission of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.

All “F”-graded professional coursework must be successfully repeated as soon as the course is offered again (exclusive of summer sessions).

A course in which a student received a grade of “C” may be repeated only if all courses in which an “F”, “D”, or “C-” grade previously earned have been successfully repeated with a “C” or better.

A required course in the professional curriculum may not be repeated more than twice. Failing a required professional course three times is cause for dismissal. Credit will be earned only once, and the second grade, whether higher or lower, will be computed in the student’s GPA After the second time a student takes a course, all grades except the first will be computed in the student’s GPA.

The college is not obligated to offer courses that the student has failed in the academic term immediately following the failure.


Students are not permitted to register for any professional course unless all science and math and 21 Liberal Arts prerequisites have been successfully completed. Students are responsible for knowing the prerequisites for courses as stated in this bulletin. Students found to be enrolled in a course for which they have not met the prerequisites will be withdrawn from the course regardless of the point in that course where the discovery is made. Students are advised that the lack or the failure of a prerequisite course may significantly impede their academic progress by preventing their enrollment in one or more subsequent courses. Many courses are offered only once a year; hence failure of a course may result in a delay of a year until such course is repeated and the student is authorized to enroll in subsequent courses.


Registration and Advisement

Students may register either online or in-person. Students should routinely and closely monitor notifications while they are logged into regarding online appointment dates and times for self-service registration for upcoming academic terms. Students desiring to register in-person should make appointments with academic advisors in the college’s Office of Student and Professional Affairs during the registration periods specified in the published academic calendars.

Academic advisors are available at all times during normal business hours to assist students with issues regarding class selection and scheduling as well as academic progress. Advisors also provide guidance to students in matters regarding academic probation.

Auditing of Courses

Auditing of courses (without credit) is allowed only with the permission of the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. The audit fee is set at one-half the regular tuition fee, plus the full application fee for new students. On behalf of special programs of instruction, the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs may authorize exceptions to the rules for auditing.


Withdrawal from All Courses

Students in good academic standing who wish to spend a period of time away from the college or students who are on academic probation and who want to withdraw from all classes must give a valid reason and (a) obtain, from Enrollment Services, an Application for Permission to Withdraw, complete it, as indicated, and have it approved by the Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs, and (b) clear their financial account.

Withdrawal from One or Several Courses

When students are registered for a course, they are considered to be in attendance until the date of their official withdrawal.

Administrative Matters

Cancellation of Courses   

LIU Pharmacy reserves the right to cancel undersubscribed courses. When it does so, there is no program change fee.

Change of Address or Telephone Number

 All professional students must report changes of address, telephone number, and/or email address to LIU Brooklyn Enrollment Services and to the LIU Pharmacy Office of Student and Professional Affairs.

Academic Records

Students have until the time of their graduation to have changes made on their academic records.  Once a student has graduated, the academic record is frozen and cannot be changed retroactively.

Failure to Fulfill Nonacademic Requirements

Students failing to fulfill all nonacademic requirements (tuition, fees, library obligations, etc.) will be denied subsequent services, including, but not limited to, withholding of diplomas, transcripts, letters of recommendation or licensure eligibility until those requirements are met.