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Jadwiga S. Najib

Professor of Pharmacy Practice

B.S. Pharmacy - St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY Pharm.D., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN


Dr. Jadwiga Najib, joined the College of Pharmacy in 1989 and established her psychiatry practice at Mount Sinai Morningside, later at Mount Sinai West, and currently at Zucker Hillside Hospital at Glen Oaks.  As a member of the multidisciplinary psychiatric team, she maintains a clinical practice and precepts pharmacy students in internal medicine and psychiatry. She has presented and published research papers dealing with various psychiatric disorders as well as written chapters on issues dealing with drug liability and safety, and sleep disorders. Currently she is a member of the New York State Medicaid Drug Utilization Review Board (DURB), is a member of the International Advisory Board for Current Medical Research and Opinion, and serves as guest editor for several peer-reviewed journals.  In 1993, Dr. Najib received the David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching, and she continually pursues her dedication to pharmacy and teaching.


Psychiatric Disorders, Internal Medicine, Zucker Hillside Hospital, Behavioral Health


  • Toderika Y, Najib J. Lecanemab, a Novel Amyloid β-Directed Antibody for Early Alzheimer Disease, The Journal for Nurse Practitioners,2023,104744, ISSN 1555-4155, (
  • Najib J, Toderika Y, Dima L. Daridorexant, an Orexin Receptor Antagonist for the Management of Insomnia. American Journal of Therapeutics. 2023 Jul-Aug 01;30(4):e360-e368. doi: 10.1097/MJT.0000000000001647. PMID: 37449930.
  • Najib J.,Didenko, E, Meleshkina D, Yusupov K, Maw K, Ramnarain J, Tabassum M. Review of lisdexamfetamine dimesylate in children and adolescents with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Current Medical Research and Opinion. 2020 Oct;36(10):1717-1735. doi: 10.1080/03007995.2020.1815002. Epub 2020 Sep 11. PMID: 32845786
  • Najib J, Wimer D, Zeng J, Lam KW, Romanyak N, Paige Morgan E, Thadavila A. Review of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate in Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease. 2017: 9(23):1179573517728090.
  • Rivkin A, Yin H, Borno L, Fabbio K, Kugler A, Maltz F, Marzella N, Mehta M, Najib J. “Revising Senior Pharmacy Grand Rounds to Incorporate Longitudinal Board Review to Prepare Students for Licensing Examination” Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning.2013:5(3):236-240.
  • Najib J. "Lisdexamfetamine in the Treatment of Adolescents and Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder", Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics. 2012;8(3):51–66.
  • Najib, J. “The Efficacy and Safety Profile of Lisdexamfetamine Dimesylate, a Prodrug of d-amphetamine for the Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adults” Clinical Therapeutics 2009;31(1):142-176.
  • Najib JS. “Eszopiclone, a Nonbenzodiazepine Sedative-Hypnotic Agent for the Treatment of Transient and Chronic Insomnia”, Clinical Therapeutics 2006; 28(4):491-516. Available at:
  • Najib JS. “Fenofibrate in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia: A Review of the Data as They Relate to the New Suprabioavailable Tablet Formulation”, Clinical Therapeutics 2002; 24(12):2022-2050.
  • Najib JS. “Entacapone: A Catechol-O-Methyltransferase Inhibitor for the Adjunctive Treatment of Parkinson’s Disease”, Clinical Therapeutics 2001; 23(6):802-832.
  • Najib JS. "Tardive Dyskinesia: A Review and Current Treatment Options", American Journal of Therapeutics 1999; 6(1):51-60.
  • Najib JS. "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome" Hospital Pharmacy 1997; 32:1442.
  • Najib JS. "Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: A Case Report and Review of Treatment” Hospital Pharmacy 1997; 32:512-518.
  • Najib, J., "Use of Lithium in Bipolar Disorders".  Pharmacy Times. July 1992; 58(7): 102-115 (ACPE accredited continuing education)

Book Chapters

  • Najib JS, Bailey M. “Drug-Induced Movement Disorders”. Chapter 26 in: Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention. 4th ed. James T. O’Donnell, ed. Lawyers & Judges, Tucson, AZ, 2016:445-489.
  • Najib JS. ”Eszopiclone: Review and Clinical Applications in Chronic and Co-morbid Insomnia.” Chapter in Part II: Drugs to Treat Insomnia. Milestones in Drug Therapy Series.  Drug Treatment of Sleep Disorders.. Antonio Guglietta, ed. Springer International Publishing, Switzerland. 2015:159-189.
  • Najib JS. “Drug-Induced Movement Disorders”, Chapter 26 in: Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention. 3rd ed. James T. O’Donnell, ed. Lawyers & Judges, Tucson, AZ, 2012:419-461.
  • Najib, JS. “Efficacy and Safety of Zopiclone and Eszopiclone in the Treatment of Primary and Comorbid Insomnia" Chapter in GABA and Sleep: Molecular, Functional and Clinical Aspects, Monti, Pandi-Perumal, Mohler eds., Springer Basel, Switzerland. 2010:413-452.
  • Najib J, Zammit G. “Eszopiclone: Efficacy and Safety”, Chapter 29 in Sleep Disorders: Diagnosis and Therapeutics, Pandi-Perumal SR, Verster J, Monti J, Lader M, Langer S, eds. Informa Healthcare UK Ltd. 2008: 324-351.
  • Najib JS. “Drug-Induced Movement Disorders”, Chapter 29 in Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention. 2nd ed. James T. O’Donnell, ed. Lawyers & Judges, Tucson, AZ, 2005:489-516.
  • Najib JS. “Drug-Induced Movement Disorders”, Chapter 15 in Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention. James T. O’Donnell, ed. Lawyers & Judges, Tucson, AZ, 2000:275-298.

Lectures and Presentations


  • Ragasa R, Hanania S, Koza G, Najib J. “Natural Nootropics May Promote Relaxation, Improve Cognitive Function, and Enhance Ability to Work Under Stressful Conditions”, presented at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2022, Las Vegas, NV
  • Dous E, Manzorolhagh E, Ragasa R, Najib J. “Traditional Natural Products May Aid in Alleviation of Depressive Symptoms” presented at ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2022, Las Vegas, NV
  • Karam N, Kamal Z, Najib J. “Assessing Attitudes of Pharmacy Students Towards Patients with Mental Illness: Findings from an Elective Psychiatric Course”, presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2021, virtual
  • Lukmanji F, Ramkissoon S, Najib J, Voyiaziakis E, Knock S. “Dual Long Acting Injectable Therapy for Patients with Treatment-Resistant Severe Mental Illness”, presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2021, virtual
  • Begum S, Najib J, McEwan J, Lau J. “Engaging Early and Non-Early Assurance Pharmacy Students by Identifying Cultural Herbal Remedies and Their Associations to Modern Pharmaceuticals” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2021, virtual
  • Liu A, Campisi P, Saul K, Najib J. “Attitudes of pharmacy students towards patients with mental illness: findings from an advanced pharmacy practice experiential rotation” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2020, virtual
  • Anastasiadis D, Najib J, DeMicco J, Berrios-Colon E.  “Development of a Synthetic Marijuana Education Program for Federal Inmates” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2020, virtual
  • Rosasacevedo E, Toribio C, Liang D, Najib J. “Incidence of workplace stress among a sample of pharmacy residents in New York City and its relationship to workplace burnout and depressive symptoms” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2019, Las Vegas, NV
  • Baalbak N, Bhullar J, Najib J. “Obstructive sleep apnea: raising awareness of a treatable national health burden”, presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2018, Anaheim, CA.
  • Molla R,  Alharbi A,  Najib J. “An interprofessional campus educational activity by pharmacy and public health students to raise awareness of stress on mental health and stress management strategies”, presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2018, Anaheim, CA.
  • John A, Zavgorodnyaya D, Diallo A, Najib J, Maltz F. “An interprofessional educational outreach program by pharmacy and public health students in a community based organization servicing patients with sickle cell disease.” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2016, Las Vegas, NV. 
  • Jiang S, Levy S, Ha E, Usherenko I, Najib J.  “An evaluation of contributing risk factors to naloxone requirements after opioid administration in a tertiary acute care setting.” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2014, Anaheim, CA.
  • Abraham S,. Ha EC, Najib J.  Poster presentation “Evaluating risk for cardiovascular disease in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis receiving antipsychotic medications”, presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 2011, New Orleans, LA
  • Najib J.  Poster presentation “Assessing Drug Compliance Among the Mentally Ill Homeless Patients”, an analysis of the sabbatical proposal, presented at the C.W. Post Campus on November 22, 2004.
  • Najib J, Lee Kang A, Kalfane L. Poster presentation “Antipsychotic Drug Usage Evaluation in a Tertiary Care Hospital” presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 9, 2003, New Orleans, LA
  • Najib, J., Maldow, H., "Fluoxetine DUE: A Clinical Pharmacist's Input". A poster presentation at the midyear ASHP meeting in New Orleans, LA, December 1991
  • Corbera, K., Platt, M., Weisman, H., Derevenco, M., Grau, C., Najib, J., Raymond, S., Jacobsen, P., Marotta, R., Breitbart, W., "Low-Dose Neuroleptic Treatment for A.I.D.S. Delirium".  A poster presentation at the Current Concepts in Psycho-oncology IV Postgraduate Course in New York City, NY, October 1991
  • Rosenberg, J., Najib, J., "A Clinical Clerkship's Emphasis on Pharmaceutical Care: Focus on Outcome."  A poster presentation at the annual AACP meeting in Boston, MA, July 1991

Continuing Education

  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Improving Clinician Wellness: Managing Stress and Preventing Burnout” Live on Zoom, April 28, 2022, LIU Pharmacy
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Alzheimer’s disease: Pharmacological Management”, presented on November 15, 2016, Pfizer Corporate Office, Inc. 235 E 42nd St, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Pharmacological Treatment of Sleep Disorders” , part of a 6-hour Interdisciplinary Symposium : Sleep Disorders , presented on October 22, 2016, 1199SEIU Institute for Continuing Education, Times Center, 242 West 41 St, New York NY 10036
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Antipsychotics: Understanding their Differences and their Role in Managing Psychiatric Disorders”, presented on May 30, 2015, New York, PSSNY’s 137th Annual Convention Program CE Presentation. The Roosevelt Hotel, 45th and Madison Ave, New York, NY
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Update on Schizophrenia: Optimizing Treatment and Monitoring Outcomes”, presented on May 15, 2008, New York, NYCSHP CE Presentation
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Adult ADHD: Focus on Executive Function”, presented on October 30, 2007 (9:30 am) as live CE conference webinar for Drug Store News
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Adult ADHD: Focus on Executive Function”, presented on October 24, 2007 (8:30 pm) as live CE conference webinar for Drug Store News
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults”, presented on July 27, 2006 (9:30 am) as live CE conference webinar for Drug Store
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Attention Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults”, presented on July 26, 2006 (8:30 pm) as live CE conference webinar for Drug Store
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Mental Illness and Its Effect on Special Populations: Current Perspectives in Psychopharmacology of the Atypical Antipsychotic”, presented on October 9, 2005 at the Holiday Inn, JFK Airport, Jamaica, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Pharmacotherapeutic Options in the Management of Major Depression”, presented on June 13, 2004 at the Waldaum’s Pharmacy CE Conference, Uniondale, Long Island
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Pharmacotherapeutic Options in the Management of Major Depression”, presented on June 6, 2004 at the A&P Pharmacy CE Conference, Saddlebrook, New Jersey
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) "Pharmacotherapeutic Intervention in the Treatment of Depression”, presented on March 28, 2004 at the Crowne Plaza LaGuardia, Queens, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Teaching Pharmacy Students to Recommend and Monitor Alternative Therapies”, presented on October 24, 2001 at Long Island University, Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, Brooklyn, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Addiction and Chemical Dependency: Pharmacological Treatment and Psychosocial Issues”, presented on May 7, 2000 at the Crowne Plaza LaGuardia, Queens, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “Treatment Options for Alcohol and Chemical Dependency”, presented on October 24, 1999 at Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Long Island University, Brooklyn, New York
  • Continuing Education seminar (ACPE accredited) “The Pharmacist's Role in Counseling the Depressive Patient", presented on April 20, 1997 at the Crowne Plaza LaGuardia, Queens, New York


The David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching, Long Island University, 1993

Professional Memberships

American Pharmacists Association (APhA)
American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Pharmacists Society of the State of New York (PSSNY) New York City Pharmacists Society (NYCPS)
New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists (NYSCHP)