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Joseph P. Nathan

Professor, Pharmacy PracticeDirector of Academic Affairs

B.S. Pharmacy: Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, LIUM.S. Drug Information and Communication: Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, LIUPharm.D. University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences


After practicing for 6 years as a clinical pharmacist at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, Dr. Nathan joined LIU Pharmacy’s International Drug Information Center as a drug information specialist. In 2000, Dr. Nathan Joined the faculty of LIU Pharmacy and currently serves as a professor in the Division of Pharmacy Practice and Co-Director of the Leonardi Institute for Health Analytics and AI. His scholarly interests focus on the availability and utilization of information resources by healthcare professionals and consumers as well as the use of health analytics and real-world evidence in the practice of pharmacy. Dr. Nathan published numerous articles on issues affecting the practice of pharmacy, serves as a reviewer for professional publications, and has served on the advisory board of a leading pharmacy journal. Dr. Nathan served as a pharmacy consultant to a long-term-care facility and continues to practice in a community pharmacy. Dr. Nathan was involved in developing the College’s first fellowship program as well as other fellowship programs offered by the College.


Drug information resources and usage


  • Deng J, Habib Z, Persaud D, Nathan JP. Clinical overview: turmeric for the management of osteoarthritis. Pharmacy Times. Published online October 5, 2023. of-osteoarthritis
  • Dabestani A, Grossman S, Nathan JP, et al. A data-driven quality-score system for rating drug products and its implications for the health care industry. J Am Pharm Assoc (2003). 2023;63(2):501-506. doi:10.1016/j.japh.2022.10.001
  • Nathan JP, Hassan K, Grossman S. NYCPS Newsletter. Promethazine: A drug of abuse? 2022;31(9):16-17.
  • Huang C, Rahman A, Taha S, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Paxlovid: An Overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2022;31(5):18-19.
  • Grossman S, Nathan JP, Siuzdak A, Liang J, Sprycha C. Prevagen®: Analysis of Clinical Evidence and Its Designation as a "#1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand". Sr Care Pharm. 2022;37(8):335-338. doi:10.4140/TCP.n.2022.335
  • Bruno N, Kim KY, Park YE, Miah R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Probiotics for the prevention of pediatric antibiotic-associated diarrhea. Drug Topics. 2022;166(8):26-27.
  • Miah R, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Drug information resources for pharmacists: Useful freely available websites. NYCPS Newsletter. 2022;31(3):10,29.
  • Banbahji L, Elbeshbeshy R, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Vaccines in the Elderly: Current Recommendations and Strategies for Overcoming Barriers. Drug Topics. 2022;166(2):10-11.
  • Nathan JP. COVID-19: An update. NYCPS Newsletter. 2021;30(6):23.
  • Karam N, Nathan JP. A review of FDA-approved medications for chronic weight management. Drug Topics. Published online August 5, 2021.
  • Ihemaguba A, Annr N, Furer J, Karam N, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Thermometers: a review. Drug Topics. Published online June 24, 2021.
  • Krishewsky R, Anastasiadis D, Nathan JP, Grossman S. COVID-19 Vaccines: A Focus on Safety. Drug Topics. 2021;165(5):24-25.
  • Abdalla R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Janssen COVID-19 vaccine: An overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2021;30(3):19, 26.
  • Cicero LA, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. What is the role of antileukotrienes in the management of asthma? Drug Topics 1998;142(10):28,31.
  • Krishewsky R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. COVID-19 vaccines: an overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2021; 30(1):3,25-26.
  • Elsaid Taha S, Salib J, Kanner EH, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Vitamin D and COVID-19: an evidence-based review. Drug Topics. 2021. Published online February 4, 2021.
  • Bakar A, Miah R, Li K, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Reevaluating the Use of Silver Sulfadiazine Cream in the Management of Burns. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online December 16.
  • Nathan JP. Cannabidiol (CBD) 101: Overview and Potential Interactions. Drug Topics. 2020;165(11):35-36.
  • Funk OG, Grossman S, Nathan JP, Raja Y. Reevaluating the use of guaifenesin in the management of acute cough associated with the common cold. Drug Topics. 2020: Published online September 21.
  • Armasaru L, Babayev B, Damanakis E, Hezzini H, Zeng C, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Smell Disturbances in the Era of COVID-19. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 21.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: A focus on management and patient education. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 10.
  • Chattah S, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Reevaluating the use of docusate in the management of constipation. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 1.
  • Nathan JP, Abramov R. Overview of the CBD oil products and industry in the United States (Part 2). NYCPS Newsletter. 2020;29(4):20-21.
  • Nathan JP. Abramov R. Overview of the CBD oil products and industry in the United States (Part 1). NYCPS Newsletter. 2020 April;29(3):14-15.
  • Miernicki S, Anagnostos G, Nathan JP, Grossman S.Medical Communications in an Agency Setting: A Career Option for Pharmacists. J Pharm Pract. 2021. Published online. S, Nathan JP, Ipema HJ, Ness GL, Tierno H, Gabay MP, Calip GS. Survey of drug information centers in the United States – 2018. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2020;77(1):33-38. doi: 10.1093/ajhp/zxz267.
  • Nathan JP, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E, Halberstam L, Wright JT. Consumers’ information-    seeking behaviors on dietary supplements. Int Q Community Health Educ. 2020;40(3):171-176. doi: 10.1177/0272684X19874967.
  • Schwartzberg E, Nathan JP, Avron S, Marom E. Clinical and other specialty services offered by pharmacists in the community  - the international arena and Israel. Isr J Health Policy Res. 2018 Dec 1;7(1):59. doi: 10.1186/s13584-018-0251-y.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Zerilli T, Pace A. Prevalence and characteristics of pharmacies owned and operated by schools of pharmacy in the United States. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning. 2018;10 (2,):159-164.
  • Schwartzberg E, Nathan JP, Marom E, Rosen B. Pharmacy in Israel.Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2018;75:e57-e61.
  • Schwartzberg E, Berkovitch M, Dil Nahlieli D, Gorelik E, Nathan JP. Pharmacovigilance in Israel – Tools, Processes, and Actions. Isr J Health Policy Res. 2017:
  • Nathan JP, Drug Information Rounds. Pharmacy Education. 2015;15(1)252 – 253.
  • Nathan JP, Vider E. The package insert. US Pharm. 2015;40(5):8-10.
  • Nathan JP. Drug information – the systematic approach. J Pharm Prac. 2013;26:78-84.
  • Nathan JP. Introduction: Drug information. Journal Pharm Prac. 2013;26:76-77.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional Reading Habits of Pharmacists Attending 2 Educational Seminars in New York City [published online ahead of print July 25, 2012]. J Pharm Prac. 2012. DOI: 10.1177/0897190012451930.
  • Zerilli T, He A, Nathan JP, Grossman S. To Substitute or Not to Substitute: That is the Question. Pharmacy Times. 2011;77(3):68,70,71.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Zerilli T,Shah B, Plotkin P, Tykhonova I. Functions performed by paid pharmacy interns in hospitals in the state of New York. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2011;68:165-8.
  • Rosenberg JM, Schilit S, Nathan JP, Zerilli T, Mcguire H. An update on the status of 89 drug information centers in the United States. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009;66:1718-22.
  • Nathan JP, Gim S. Responding to drug information requests. Am J Health Syst Pharm. 2009; 66: 706-711.
  • Rosenberg JM, Domovich A, Nathan JP, Schilit S. Should an RX label require a use-by date or an expiration date? Drug Topics 2008; 152(3):68.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Rosenberg JM. Can lactose-intolerant patients use lactose-containing medications? Drug Topics 2008; 152(2):11.
  • Nathan JP, Zerilli T, Cicero LA, Rosenberg JM. Patients’ use and perception of medication information leaflets. Ann Pharmacother. 2007;41:777-782
  • Ayrapetova N, Nathan JP. What are the right OTCs to treat cough associated with the common cold? Drug Topics 2007;151(3):58-59.
  • Agojo MC, Zerilli T, Nathan JP, Cicero LA. What’s the latest in vaccine therapy? Drug Topics 2006; 150(23):39-40.
  • Rosenberg JM, Zerilli T, Nathan JP, Mcguire H. Use of statins and gemfibrozil in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular risk factors attending adult day health care centers: an opportunity for pharmacists. Consult Pharm. 2007; 22:38-44.
  • Nathan JP, Cicero LA, Koumis T, Rosenberg JM, Feifer S, Maltz F. Availability of and attitudes towards resources on alternative medicine products in the community pharmacy setting. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2005; 45:734-739.
  • Nathan JP, Koumis T, Rosenberg JMR. Sublingual nitroglycerin – are we counseling patients properly? Drug Topics 2005; 149(17):16.
  • Koumis T, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. What is bioidentical HRT and is there evidence to support its use? Drug Topics 2005;149(9):29.
  • Koumis T, Cicero LA, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. Directory of pharmacist-operated drug information centers in the United States2003. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2004; 61:2033-42.
  • Rosenberg JM, Koumis T, Nathan JP, Cicero LA, Mcguire H. Current status of pharmacist-operated drug information centers in the United States. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2004; 61:2023-32.
  • Koumis T, Cicero LA, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. What are the current and emerging strategies to improve low HDL-C levels? Drug Topics. 2004;148(21):20-1.
  • Shah M, Nathan JP, Koumis T, Rosenberg JM. Was the FDA justified in banning ephedra-containing products? Drug Topics. 2004;148(5):68,71.
  • Koumis T, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM, Cicero LA. Strategies for the prevention and treatment of statin-induced myopathy: Is there a role for ubiquinone supplementation? Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2004;61:515-519.
  • Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. Who should get the flu vaccine and who shouldn't? Drug Topics. 2003;147(Nov. 17):28,30.
  • Nathan JP, Cicero LA, Rosenberg JM. Should patients on doxycycline avoid dairy products? Drug Topics. 2003;147(Oct. 20):21. 
  • Koumis T, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. What is the role of C- reactive protein in cardiovascular disease assessment and how do you treat elevated levels? Drug Topics. 2003. 147(15):30.
  • Nathan JP, Castellanos J, Rosenberg JM, Cicero LA. Impact of aspirin on the gastrointestinal-sparing effects of cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2003;60:392-394.
  • Koumis T, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. Can grapefruit juice be safely taken with drugs? Drug Topics. 2002;146(20):19.
  • Nathan JP, Joa G, Roizen M, Rosenberg JM. Are sulfonamides, sulfones, sulfites, and sulfates contraindicated in patients with a reported “sulfa” allergy? Drug Topics. 2002. 146(15):37.
  • Rosenberg JM, Nathan JP, Plakogiannis F. Weight variability of pharmacist-dispensed split tablets. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2002;42:200-205.
  • Grossman S, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. Should bitter melon be used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus? Drug Topics. 2001;145(18):23.
  • Plakogiannis R, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. How are insulin glargine and insulin aspart different from the older insulins? Drug Topics; 144(22):41.
  • Nathan JP, Castellanos JT, Rosenberg JM. Should folic acid be added to reduce risk for cardiovascular disease? Drug Topics. 2000;144(18):34.
  • Nathan JP, Cicero LA, Rosenberg JM. Can insulin be administered via nonparenteral routes? Drug Topics 2000;144(5):40.
  • Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. A survey of fee-for-service activities of drug information centers in the US. Hospital Pharmacy 2000;35:837-840,896.
  • Castellanos JT, Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM. Is dipyridamole making a comeback? Drug Topics 1999;143(21);58.
  • Rosenberg JM, Nathan JP, Cicero LA. Pharmacist-operated drug information centers in the United States: A directory of centers that meet listed cirteria-1999. Hospital Pharmacy 1999;34:797-798,801-804,807-808,810.
  • Nathan JP, Khodzhayev A, Rosenberg JM. Can cholesterol-lowering margarines replace drug therapy? Drug Topics 1999;143(15):31.
  • Martinez R, Nathan JP, Cicero L, Rosenberg JM. Are there any risks associated with calcium intake? Drug Topics 1999;143(12):34.
  • Nathan JP, Cicero LA, Fung H, Rosenberg JM. What medications should be avoided in the elderly? Drug Topics 1999;143(8):30.
  • Nathan JP, Cicero L, Rosenberg JM. What are the differences between the new fluoroquinolones? Drug Topics 1999;143(3):35.
  • Nathan JP, Hembree JW, Cicero LA, Rosenberg JM. What is the therapeutic potential of COX-2 inhibitors? Drug Topics 1998;142(20):28.
  • Nathan JP, Srulovich S, Cicero L, Rosenberg JM. Should creatine be recommended to athletes? Drug Topics 1998;142(16):58.


  • Nathan JP, Rosenberg JM, Davis J. Pharmacy services. In: Long-Term Care Survey and Certification Guide. Markenson AJ, Hurley B. eds. Chapel Hill, NC: Eli Research, Inc; 2000:1501-1541.

Lectures and Presentations

  • Grossman S, Zerilli T Grossman S, Zerilli T, Nathan JP. ChatGPT: Evaluation of its Ability to Respond to Drug Information Questions. ASHP Midyear Meeting. December 4-8, 2023. 
  • Nathan JP, Zerilli T. Medical Writing: Strategies for Incorporating this Overlooked Skill into the Curriculum. Mini-session presentation. AACP Annual Meeting. July 21-25, 2023. Aurora, CO.
  • Taha S, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Factors Influencing Students' Selection of a School of Pharmacy. Accepted for presentation at the 2022 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. December 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Sultan L, Zerilli, T, Grossman S, Nathan JP, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E. Assessing the Impact of a Pre-Pharmacy Scientific Writing Course on Student Performance in a Drug Information and Literature Evaluation Course. Presented at the 2022 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. December 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Taha S, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Factors Influencing Students' Selection of a School of Pharmacy. Presented at the 2022 ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. December 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, NV.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Shaool M, Askarinam B, Saleh K. Nurturing Professional Growth and Cultural Awareness Among Student Pharmacists Through a Virtual International Event. AACP Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2022. Grapevine, TX. 
  • Zerilli T, Banbahji L, Kavellaris A, Ng K, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Gauging Pharmacy Students’ Interest in an Elective Course in Medical Writing. AACP Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2022. Grapevine, TX.
  • Krishewsky R, Banbahji L, Mingov J. Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional and Cultural Awareness: International Collaboration Between Student Pharmacists in the US and in Israel. Presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting (virtual), December 5-8, 2021.
  • Shor A, Nathan JP, Grossman S, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E. Comfort with and knowledge of medical cannabis: a study of pharmacists at a continuing education program in New York. Abstract presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 6-10, 2020. Virtual experience. 
  • Roitman J, Nogid A, Horsley E, Shtaynberg J, Nathan JP, Fortugno D, Johnson J, Masterson M, Beric B, Gordon L. Game-Based Interprofessional Education Event. AACP Annual Meeting, Pharmacy Education 2019. July 14-15, 2019. Chicago, Il.
  • Nathan JP. Consumers information seeking behaviors on dietary supplements. APhA 2019 Annual Meeting. March 23-25, 2019. Seattle, WA. 
  • Nogid A, Krase K, Nathan JP, Shtaynberg J, Gordon-Handler L, Beric B. An interprofessional education (IPE) event, involving student pharmacists, designed to reinforce and apply ethical principles. AACP 2017 Annual Meeting, July 16-19, 2017, Nashville, TN.
  • Krase K, Nogid A, Nathan JP. The impact of a large scale interprofessional education (IPE) event on student knowledge and confidence. CSWE 2016 Annual Program Meeting. November 3-6, 2016. Atlanta, GA.
  • Krase K, Nogid A, Maydick D, Nathan J, Beric B, Marrone S, Handler LG, Shtaynberg J, Masterson M, Bravo-Sanchez C, Development of a large-scale interprofessional student ethics event at a private university without an academic medical center. 2016 InterProfessional Education (JCIPE) conference.  October 28-29, 2016 Philadelphia, PA. 
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Zerilli T, Pace AC, Davidovits C, Ullman S. Prevalence and characteristics of pharmacies owned and operated by schools of pharmacy. Abstract presented at the AACP 2016 Annual Meeting, July 23–27, 2016, Anaheim, CA.
  • Gropack S, Kirschenbaum HL, Nathan JP, Flower S. Development of an Interprofessional Education (IPE) Program for Health Care Students Across 12 Disciplines. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, February 4-6, 2014, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional reading habits of pharmacists. Abstract presented at the APhA 2012 Annual Meeting & Exposition, March 9-12, 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • O’Brien PG, Nathan JP, Shah B, Keogh T. Patient knowledge of psychiatric medications at time of discharge from psychiatric inpatient unit. Abstract presented at the Annual NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and The Methodist Hospital Collaborative Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium, October 13, 2011, Houston, Texas.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Zerilli T, Tykhonova I, Mayzel P. Functions served by salaried pharmacy intern in hospitals. Abstract presented at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting, December 7-8, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Nathan JP, Zerilli T, Cicero L, Rosenberg JM. Patients’ use and perception of medication information leaflets. Abstract accepted for presentation at the APhA 2007 Annual Meeting & Exposition, March 16-19, 2007, Atlanta, Georgia.


  • David Newton Award for Excellence in Teaching, LIU, 2022
  • Dozor Visiting Scholar, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 2016
  • Founder’s Award for Faculty, LIU Pharmacy, 2013
  • Outstanding Advisor Award, LIU Pharmacy, 2007

Professional Affiliations

  • Member, American Society of Health-System Pharmacy

Other Professional Activities

  • Member, Professional Advisory Committee, Cobble Hill Health Center, Long Term Health Care Program; 2006-2010.
  • International Advisory Board, Current Medical Research and Opinions (CMRO); 2008-December 2009.
  • Advisory Board Member, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy; January 2006-January 2009.
  • Reviewer, Current Medical Research and Opinion
  • Reviewer, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy
  • Reviewer, Journal of the American Pharmacists Association
  • Reviewer, USP disease monographs (2000).
  • Associate Editor, PDR for Herbal Medicines, first edition, Medical Economics Company.
  • Associate Editor, PDR for Herbal Medicines, second edition, Medical Economics Company.
  • Contributing Editor, ePocrates Drug Information Database.
  • Examiner, New York State pharmacy licensing examination (part III).
  • Consultant, Provision of expert opinion concerning a number of legal cases.