Pre-Professional Phase (years P-1 & P-2)
Pre-Professional Phase Admissions Requirements
Students who plan to pursue a Pharm.D. degree may enter LIU as freshmen and complete required prerequisite coursework through the Richard L. Connolly College of Liberal Arts and Sciences during the first two years. Regular Admission to the pre-professional phase (P-1, P-2) does not constitute acceptance to the professional program. All students must apply by submitting an application through the Pharmacy College Application Service (PharmCas).
Competitive Pre-Professional Phase Applications Demonstrate:
- Character & Service – LIU’s admission counselors review each application individually to identify students who demonstrate strong academic abilities. Good academics alone, however, do not complete the entire picture. We seek students with personal characteristics of honesty and integrity, creativity and talent, as well as enthusiasm in the pursuit of expanding of their experiences and minds. LIU Pharmacy has a particular interest in students who have demonstrated a compassion and dedication to their fellow humans by participating in service to the community and the world at large. Volunteer service in hospitals, nursing homes, community health centers or other activities engaged in providing support to people with health care needs are particularly valuable toward learning about the types of roles and responsibilities that pharmacists and other health care professionals have toward patients.
- Pharmacy-Prep High School Coursework – Due to the nature of study in pharmacy, students’ high school studies should have a focus in the sciences and mathematics. Freshmen applicants should have successfully completed, at the time of application, at least 15 college preparatory Carnegie Units, or their equivalent. The most competitive academic records for pharmacy will show advanced placement (AP), honors, International Baccalaureate (IB) or other advanced classes. We encourage you to pursue such courses as appropriate to better prepare you (as well as helping to demonstrate to us your readiness) for a rigorous academic program such as pharmacy.
In particular, we most strongly encourage you to complete AP pre-calculus, take the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) pre-calculus exam or other method of demonstrating proficiency with pre-calculus. The first mathematics course in our two-year plan of study for the pre-professional program begins with calculus. Entering students who do not demonstrate proficiency in pre-calculus will most likely require additional mathematics courses beyond what is specified in the pre-professional plan of study which could lengthen the time of your studies.