Pharm.D. Admissions Pathways

The College of Pharmacy offers various pathways that prospective students can take for admission to the Pharm.D. program. LIU accepts approximately 250 new first year students to the pre-professional phase and 200 applicants to the professional phase of the Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) program. Applications are accepted on a rolling (continuous) basis.

The College of Pharmacy offers a 2-year pre-professional phase, followed by a 4-year professional phase leading to a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) degree and eligibility for licensure within the profession.

Students may enter the pre-professional phase through two pathways:

  • Early Assurance Admission – guaranteed admission into the first professional year (P3) provided all progression requirements are met.
  • Regular Pre-Professional Phase Admission –- offers no guarantee of admission to the professional phase (P-3). Applicants must apply for admission into the professional phase through PharmCAS.

External students may transfer into the pre-professional phase under the general pre-pharmacy admission route of entry if seats are available or apply directly to the professional phase of the Pharm.D. program (must apply for admission into P3 through PharmCAS).



LIU Pharmacy