On-Site Admissions Interview (by invitation only)

Based on a review of the applications by the College of Pharmacy, the most competitive applicants are invited for a required interview. 

The interview allows the College of Pharmacy to assess essential skills and factors, which may not be reflected in the application. During the interview, a candidate’s knowledge of the profession, motivation toward a career as a pharmacist, ability to think clearly and logically, self-confidence, ability to work with a group and verbal expression of ideas will be assessed. 

An interview day will consist of an informational session and a group interview with current students, faculty, and alumni. 

Interviews are scheduled as follows:

  • Held from July to May
  • Scheduled by appointment, from 9:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. 

Candidates will receive an admissions decision within five (5) business days after the interview.