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Sara Grossman

Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice

Pharm.D., LIU Pharmacy


In 2007, Dr. Sara Grossman, PharmD joined LIU Pharmacy as Drug Information Specialist at the International Drug Information Center and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice. In 2021, she became Co-Director of the Leonardi Institute for Health Analytics and AI before becoming Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice in 2023.

Dr. Grossman has established partnerships between LIU Pharmacy, healthcare organizations and other user groups for the provision of drug information services to both healthcare professionals and consumers. She facilitated the development, funding and launch of the first University post-PharmD Fellowship (in Drug Information and Medical Communications). Since that time, Dr. Grossman has been instrumental in bringing additional post-PharmD Fellowship programs to fruition.

Dr. Grossman serves as an Advisor to a number of student organizations, including Rho Chi: The Pharmacy Honor Society. In 2021, she was elected to a national leadership position within Rho Chi and currently serves as a Rho Chi Regional Councilor.


Drug information & Center of Innovative Medication Management (CIMM)


  • Dabestani A, Grossman S, Nathan JP, Bazil CW, Constantino RC, Fox ER, Graedon J, Gray JV, Lever HM, Light DY, Makuch R, Schulman KA, White CM, Yu K. A data-driven quality-score system for rating drug products and its implications for the healthcare industry. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2023; published online ahead of print. 63(2):501-506
  • Bruno N, Kim KY, Park YE, Miah R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Oral second-generation antihistamines for the management of allergic rhinitis. NYCPS Newsletter. 2022; 31(6):11,29.
  • Huang C, Rahman A, Taha S, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Paxlovid: An overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2022; 31(5):18-19.
  • Bruno N, Kim KY, Park YE, Miah R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Probiotics for the prevention of antibiotic-associated diarrhea in pediatrics: A review of the literature. Drug Topics. 2022; Published online August 5.
  • Grossman S, Nathan JP, Siuzdak A, Liang J, Sprycha C. Prevagen: Analysis of clinical evidence and its designation as a “#1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand”. Sr Care Pharm. 2022; 37(8):335-338.
  • Miah R, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Drug information resources for pharmacists: Useful freely available websites. NYCPS Newsletter. 2022; 31(3):10,29.
  • Nathan JP, Banbahji L, Elbeshbeshy R, Grossman S. Review: Vaccine guidelines for older adults. Drug Topics. 2022; 166(2):10-11.
  • Ihemaguba A, Annr N, Furer J, Karam N, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Thermometers: A review. Drug Topics. 2021. Published online June 24.
  • Krishewsky R, Anastasiadis D, Nathan JP, Grossman S. COVID-19 vaccines: A focus on safety. Drug Topics. 2021; 165(5):24-25.
  • Abdalla R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Janssen COVID-19 vaccine: An overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2021;30(3):19, 26.
  • Krishewsky R, Nathan JP, Grossman S. COVID-19 vaccines: an overview. NYCPS Newsletter. 2021; 30(1):3,25-26.
  • Taha SE, Salib J, Kanner, EH, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Vitamin D and COVID-19: An evidence-based review. Drug Topics. 2021. Published online Feb. 4.
  • Miernicki S, Anagnostos G, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Medical communications in an agency setting: A career option for pharmacists. J Pharm Pract. 2021;1-5. doi:10.1177/0897190020987132
  • Bakar A, Miah R, Li K, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Reevaluating the use of silver sulfadiazine cream in the management of burns. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online Dec. 16.
  • Funk OG, Grossman S, Nathan JP, Raja Y. Reevaluating the use of guaifenesin in the management of acute cough associated with the common cold. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online Sept. 21.
  • Armasaru L, Babayev B, Damanakis E, Hezzini H, Zeng C, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Smell disturbances in the era of COVID-19. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 21.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Gastroesophageal reflux disease: A focus on management and patient education. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 10.
  • Chattah S, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Reevaluating the use of docusate in the management of constipation. Drug Topics. 2020. Published online July 1.
  • Grossman S, Nathan JP, Ipema HJ, Ness GL, Tierno HE, Gabay MP, Calip GS. Survey of drug information centers in the United States – 2018. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2020;77:33-38.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Zerilli T, Pace A. Prevalence and characteristics of pharmacies owned and operated by schools of pharmacy in the United States. Curr Pharm Teach Learn. 2018;10:159-164. Epub 2017 Nov. 1.
  • Grossman S, Zerilli T. Health and medication information resources on the World Wide Web. J Pharm Pract. 2013;26:85-94.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional reading habits of pharmacists attending 2 educational seminars in New York City. J Pharm Pract. 2012;25:600-605.
  • Zerilli T, He A, Nathan JP, Grossman S. To substitute or not to substitute: that is the question. Pharmacy Times. 2011;77:68,70,71.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Zerilli T, Shah B, Plotkin P, Tykhonova I. Functions performed by paid pharmacy interns in hospitals in New York. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2011;68:165-168.
  • Schilit S, Benzeroual KE. Silodosin: A selective α1A-adrenergic receptor antagonist for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Clin Ther. 2009;31:2489-2502.
  • Rosenberg JM, Schilit S, Nathan JP, Zerilli T, Mcguire H. Update on the status of 89 drug information centers in the United States. Am J Health-Syst Pharm. 2009;66:1718-1722.
  • Rosenberg JM, Schilit S, Nathan JP. Which oral solid medications should be protected from light and/or moisture? Drug Topics. 2008; 152(6):25-29.
  • Rosenberg JM, Domovich A, Nathan JP, Schilit S. Should an RX label require a use-by date or an expiration date? Drug Topics. 2008; 152(3):68.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Rosenberg JM. Can lactose-intolerant patients use lactose-containing medications? Drug Topics. 2008; 152(2):11.

Lectures and Presentations

  • He J, Wang M, Grossman S, Roitman J. Assessing Pharmacy Students’ Interest in a Pharmacy Technology and Automation Certificate Program. Abstract accepted for presentation at ASHP 2023 Midyear Clinical Meeting.
  • Grossman S, Zerilli T, Nathan JP. ChatGPT: Evaluation of its Ability to Respond to Drug Information Questions. Abstract accepted for presentation at ASHP 2023 Midyear Clinical Meeting.
  • Maranan M, Grossman S, Ocheretyaner E. Acceptance rates into the Rho Chi Society-Beta Theta Chapter: Identifying trends and possible factors contributing to change. Abstract presented at ASHP 2022 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Taha S, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Factors influencing students’ selection of a school of pharmacy. Abstract presented at ASHP 2022 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Sultan L, Zerilli T, Grossman S, Nathan JP, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E. Assessing the impact of a pre-pharmacy scientific writing course on student performance in a drug information and literature evaluation course. Abstract presented at ASHP 2022 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 4-8, 2022. Las Vegas, Nevada.
  • Kanner EH, Maranan M, Yaich J, Ali Z, Abdalla H, Grossman S, Ocheretyaner E, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E. A pharmacy student-led educational session on neuropsychiatric medications for social work students. Abstract presented at AACP 2022 Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2022, Grapevine, Texas.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Shaool M, Askarinam B, Saleh K. Nurturing professional growth and cultural awareness among student pharmacists through a virtual international event. Abstract presented at AACP 2022 Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2022, Grapevine, Texas.
  • Zerilli T, Banbahji L, Kavellaris A, Ng K, Grossman S, Nathan JP. Gauging pharmacy students’ interest in an elective course in medical writing. Abstract presented at AACP 2022 Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2022, Grapevine, Texas.
  • Krishewsky R, Banbahji L, Mingov J, Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional and cultural awareness: International collaboration between student pharmacists in the US and in Israel. Abstract presented at ASHP 2021 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 5-9, 2021. Virtual event.
  • Shor A, Nathan JP, Grossman S, Kudadjie-Gyamfi E. Comfort with and knowledge of medical cannabis: a study of pharmacists at a continuing education program in New York. Abstract presented at ASHP 2020 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 6-10, 2020. Virtual event.
  • Clouser A, Cope R, Grossman S, YauLin J. Impact of an interactive Top 300 Drug game on a pre-APPE competency exam. Abstract presented at AACP 2019 Annual Meeting. July 13-17, 2019, Chicago, Illinois.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S, Zerilli T, Pace AC, Davidovits C, Ullman S. Prevalence and characteristics of pharmacies owned and operated by schools of pharmacy in the U.S. Abstract presented at AACP 2016 Annual Meeting. July 23-27, 2016, Anaheim, California.
  • Fass C, Willner D, Sdayeb A, Israel E, Grossman S, Nathan J. Implementing a professional development program to foster cultural sensitivity among student pharmacists and students of other health professions. Abstract presented at APhA 2016 Annual Meeting and Expedition. Mar. 4-7, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland.
  • Nathan JP, Zerilli T, Grossman S. Partnering with a community-based social service agency to promote optimal medication use. Abstract presented at AACP 2014 Annual Meeting. July 26-30, 2014, Grapevine, Texas.
  • Nathan JP, Grossman S. Professional reading habits of pharmacists. Abstract presented at APhA 2012 Annual Meeting and Expedition. Mar. 9-12, 2012, New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • Nathan JP, Schilit S, Zerilli T, Tykhonova I, Mayzel P. Survey of functions performed by salaried pharmacy interns in hospitals. Abstract presented at ASHP 2009 Midyear Clinical Meeting. Dec. 6-10, 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Professional Affiliations

American Pharmacists Association
New York State Council of Health-System Pharmacists
Pharmacists Society of the State of New York
The Rho Chi Society


Other Professional Activities

Advisor, LIU Brooklyn’s Pre-Pharmacy Club
Advisor, LIU Pharmacy’s Jewish Pharmaceutical Society
Peer Reviewer, American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy