NYS Teacher Education Pass Rate

NYS Teacher Education Pass Rate

New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) Pass Rate Data:

  • This data represents the pass rate of program completers on the required certification examinations. Program completers are individuals who have met all of the requirements of a New York registered teacher preparation program in a given academic year.
  • Individuals can take tests multiple times. The highest test score within a five-year window is the only score included in this pass rate.
  • Each state has its own unique certification examinations. Any comparison of NY test data with other states should be interpreted with caution.
  • You may consult the New York State Department of Education website (www.highered.nysed.gov/ocue/accred/) for an overview of the accreditation process and registered programs.

Traditional Assessment Pass Rate Program Completers

University Group Number  Taking Test Number Passing Test Pass rate (%) State   Average Pass Rate (%)
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2015-16 50 42 84 95
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2014-15 32 32 100 85
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2013-14 2  -  - 87
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2012-13 50 42 84 95
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2011-12 63 56 89 95
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) All program completers, 2010-11 33 28 85 96

Alternative Assessment Pass Rate Program Completers

University Group Number Taking Test  Number Passing Test Pass Rate (%) State Average Pass Rate (%)
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2015-16 (group 3) 83 79 95 95
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2015-16 (group 4) 67 66 99 99
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2014-15 83 79 95 95
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2013-14 67 66 99 99
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2012-13 60 60 100 99
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2011-12 99 99 100 100
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) All program completers, 2010-11 89 89 100 100

Traditional Program Results of New York State Assessment for Teacher Certification Candidates
2015-2016 (2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12 and 2010-11)

Assessment Code/Name Group Number Taking Test Average Scaled Score Number Passing tests Pass Rate (%) State Average pass rate (%) State Average Scaled score
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 002-Multi-Subject CST All enrolled students Traditional  2015-16 29 237 23 79 95 246
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 091-ATSW Secondary All enrolled students Traditional  2015-16 17 253 17 100 95 262
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 201-EAS-Educating All Students All enrolled students Traditional  2015-16 38 522 23 61 83 530
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 202-ALST All enrolled students Traditional  2014-15 38 522 23 61 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 202-ALST All program completers  2014-15 23 538 23 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 201-EAS All enrolled students Traditional  2014-15 43 517 38 88 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 201-EAS All program completers 2014-15 23 531 23 100 85
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 002-Multi-Subject CST All enrolled students Traditional  2014-15 13 235 13 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 002-Multi-Subject CST
All program completers  2014-15 12 243 12 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 202-ALST All enrolled students Traditional  2013-14 35 516 15 43 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 201-EAS All enrolled students Traditional  2013-14 22 517 11 50 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 090 -Elementary ATS-W All program completers, 2012-13 28 253 28 100 99 262
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 090 - Elementary ATS-W All program completers, 2011-12 34 259 34 100 100 262
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 090 -Elementary ATS-W All program completers, 2010-11 20 250 20 100 100 261
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 001 - Liberal Arts & Sciences Test (LAST) All program completers, 2012-13 47 249 46 98 99 258
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 001 - Liberal Arts & Sciences Test (LAST) All program completers, 2011-12 60 252 58 97 99 258
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 001 -Liberal Arts & Sciences Test (LAST) All program completers, 2010-11 31 246 30 97 99 257
L.I.U. - Brooklyn 002 -Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2012-13 29 237 23 79 94 246
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 002 –Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2011-12 29 239 26 90 96 247
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 002 -Multi-
Subject CST
All program completers, 2010-11 16 234 14 88 96 247
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 091 -Secondary ATS-W All program completers, 2012-13 18 255 18 100 99 262
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 091 -Secondary ATS-W All program completers, 2011-12 25 253 24 96 100 261
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 091 -Secondary ATS-W All program completers, 2010-11 10 253 10 100 100 260
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 060 -Students With Disabilities- CST All program completers, 2012-13 14 242 14 100 93 239
L.I.U. - Brooklyn (505) 060 - Students With Disabilities CST All program completers, 2011-12 10 236 10 100 95 240

Alternative Program Results of New York State Assessment for Teacher Certification Candidates
2015-2016 (2014-15, 2013-14, 2012-13, 2011-12 and 2010-11)

Program Assessment Code/Assessment Name Group Number Taking Test Average Scaled Score Number Passing tests Pass Rate State Average pass rate (%) State Average Scaled score
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 201-EAS-Educating All Students Other enrolled Alt 2015-16 335 527 323 96 97- -
 L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
1241-Multi-Subject-Grades 7-12 Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
169  1602 73 43    
 L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
1241-Multi-Subject-Grades 7-12
Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
11 1632 7 64    
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
060-Students with Disabilities CST Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
61  251 61 100 99  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
002-Multi-Subject CST Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
52  250 52 100 100  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
002-Multi-Subject CST
Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
53 260 53 100 100  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
002-Multi-Subject CST
Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
22 261 22 100 99  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
005-Social Studies  Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
13  256 12 92 99  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
003-English Language Arts - CST Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
11 261 11 100 99  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505)
003-English Language Arts - CST

Other enrolled Alt 2015-16
10  261 10 100 99  
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 202-ALST Other enrolled Alt 2014-15 287 536 264 92 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 201-EAS Other enrolled Alt 2014-15 335 527 323 96 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 001-LAST All program completers, 2014-15 80 275 80 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091-ATSW Other enrolled Alt 2014-15 11 259 11 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091-ATSW
All program completers, 2014-15 81 274 81 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060-CST-Students With Disabilities CST Other enrolled Alt 2014-15 14 230 10 71 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060-CST-Students With Disabilities CST
All program completers, 2014-15
76 253 76 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 202-ALST Other enrolled Alt 2013-14 170 531 146 86 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 090 -Elementary ATS-W All program completers, 2011-12 18 274 18 100 100 269
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 090 -Elementary ATS-W All program completers, 2010-11 27 280 27 100 100 270
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 003 –English Language Arts CST All program completers, 2013-14 11 261 10 100 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 003 –English Language Arts CST All program completers, 2011-12 13 256 12 92 97 255
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 003 -English Language Arts CST All program completers, 2010-11 12 248 12 100 100 257
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 022 -ESOL CST All program completers, 2011-12 13 259 13 100 100 259
L.I.U. - Brooklyn  Alt (505) 022 –ESOL  CST All program completers, 2010-11 29 263 29 100 100 265
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 001 –Liberal Arts & Science  Test  (LAST) All program completers, 2013-14 67 275 67 100 100 271
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 001 –Liberal Arts & Science  Test  (LAST) All program completers, 2012-13 60 274 60 100 100 271
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 001 - Liberal Arts & Science  Test  (LAST) All program completers, 2011-12 99 271 99 100 100 270
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 001 -Liberal Arts & Sciences Test (LAST) All program completers, 2010-11 86 276 86 100 100 272
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 002 - Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2013-14 22 261 22 100 100 258
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 002 - Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2012-13 53 260 53 100 99 258
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 002 - Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2011-12 82 261 82 100 100 260
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 002 -Multi-Subject CST All program completers, 2010-11 53 261 53 100 100 260
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091 –Secondary ATSW All program completers, 2013-14 65 274 66 100 100 272
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091 –Secondary ATSW All program completers, 2012-13 57 273 58 100 100 273
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091 - Secondary ATS-W All program completers, 2011-12 81 271 81 100 100 272
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 091 -Secondary ATS-W All program completers, 2010-11 60 275 60 100 100 272
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 005 –Social Studies CST All program completers, 2013-14 13 256 12 92 - -
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 005 –Social Studies CST All program completers, 2011-12 16 252 15 94 90 252
L.I.U. – Brooklyn Alt (505) 005 -Social Studies CST All program completers, 2010-11 10 248 9 90 98 258
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060 - Students With Disabilities CST All program completers, 2013-14 61 251 61 100 98 250
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060 - Students With Disabilities CST All program completers, 2012-13 52 249 51 98 99 248
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060 - Students With Disabilities CST All program completers, 2011-12 82 252 82 100 99 250
L.I.U. - Brooklyn - Alt (505) 060 -Students With Disabilities CST All program completers, 2010-11 58 256 58 100 99 249


School of Education
Dr. Laura Seinfeld, Dean