Many external sponsors (particularly federal) and regulatory agencies require that institutions conducting research or engaging in the grant enterprise have certain policies in place to be the recipient of funds. All Investigators are required to annually submit a Conflict of Interest Disclosure form through the OSPPortal. Instructions are below on how to navigate OSPPortal.
Investigator” is defined as the principal, co-principal and all other key person(s) who are responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of an LIU program, project, activity or service described in any application made through LIU for funding or any grant award. "Investigator" shall include the investigator's spouse and dependent children. You can find LIU’s Investigator Financial Conflict of Interest Disclosure policy below. Additionally, research misconduct is an extremely serious matter. If you will be conducting research at LIU, it is very important that you review the Scientific Misconduct policy attached below. Should you have any questions, please contact
Use the OSPPortal to submit the following:
- Conflict of Interest (COI) Annual Filing
- Grant Proposal Routing Form
- IRB applications and amendments
- IACUC applications and amendments
- No Cost Extension (NCE) Request
- Request a Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
OSPPortal quick guide grant routing form
Contract Applications Form (CAP)
Budgeting Primer on externally submitted grant applications
Budget Template
Grant Submission Checklist
Facilities and Administrative and Fringe Benefit Rate Agreements
HR Portal
Purchasing eProcurement portal
Purchasing PeopleSoft Buy Registration form
Travel Approval Form
Travel & Expense / Reimbursement Form
SPIN Database of Sponsored Funding Opportunities
SOPs from for Pre-award and Compliance
Public Access SOP
The purpose of this document is to address Public and Open Access Mandates for federally & privately funded Programs.
Request for Proposal (RFP) SOP
The purpose of this document is to describe the process of reviewing RFP’s prior to the initial stages of creating and submitting a grant proposal for research funding.
Subaward SOP
The purpose of this document is to describe the process of including a subaward in a grant proposal for research funding.
Budget Preparation SOP
The purpose of this document is to provide basic guidance for budgeting Personnel and OTPS costs at the pre-award proposal stage.
Finding Funding Opportunities SOP
The purpose of this document is to help faculty and PI’s find funding opportunities that are available to them.
Limited Submissions Proposals SOP
The purpose of this document is to describe the process for limited submission proposals.
Letter of Intent/Interest SOP
The purpose of this document is to outline the necessary steps for the preparation and submission of proposals that require or have an optional Letter of Intent/Interest.
Proposal Submission Process SOP
The purpose of this document is to outline the necessary steps for the preparation and submission of grant proposals. (LIU SOP Proposal Submission)
Responsible Conduct of Research Training SOP
The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to describe the requirement for training of LIU faculty, staff and students in the Responsible Conduct of Research.
Human Research Protection Program SOP
The purpose of this document is to describe the process that should be followed by the Principal Investigator (PI) as the recipient of a sponsored award involving human subjects. Additionally, this procedure lists the actions that must be taken by the Office of Sponsored Projects to ensure that all required approvals are in place prior to the expenditure of funds for any award involving human subjects.
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) process for research involving animals SOP
The purpose of this standard operating procedure is to describe the process that is to be followed by the principal investigator (PI) involving all research that will use animals. Additionally, this procedure lists the actions that must be taken by the Office of Sponsored Projects to ensure that all required approvals are in place prior to the expenditure of funds for any award involving animals.