M.S. in Teaching Students with Disabilities Generalist (Grades 7 to 12)

The 31-credit Master of Science in Teaching Students with Disabilities (Generalist Grades 7-12) is designed for certified teachers so they may earn an additional New York State certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities Generalist Grades 7-12. Those holding this certificate will be prepared to teach in supportive roles, such as consultant teachers, resource room service providers and integrated co-teachers. Each course in the sequence focuses on specific aspects of the teaching/learning process within and across the boundaries of the school environment, the home setting and the therapeutic facility.

In addition to intensive on-campus sessions, students also participate in a variety of field placements and in a practicum to give them valuable on-site experience. Critical topics addressed in the program include research trends and methodology, technology (assistive and instructional), behavioral approaches, instructional modifications, the New York State learning standards, and collaborative strategies.

Subject Area Extension to the Students with Disabilities Generalist Certification

The Students with Disabilities 7-12 Generalist program includes the option for the student to earn an extension to the base certificate in a specific subject area. For applicants pursuing the content area subject extension option, 18 semester hours of study or its equivalent in the subject area of the certificate extension sought is required. This, coupled with passing the Content Specialty Test in the specific subject area, allows the student to earn an extension to the base certificate which permits the teacher to be employed as the special class teacher in that subject.

Admission Requirements

Applicants to M.S. in Teaching Students with Disabilities Generalist (Grades 7 - 12) program must meet the following requirements for admission.

  1. Application for Admission
  2. A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university. The degree should include content major or concentration (minimum 30 credits) and a strong liberal arts and science background that meet New York State Education Department criteria. Applicants to the M.S. in Teaching Students with Disabilities programs should hold initial New York State teaching certification in areas other than Teaching Students with Disabilities Generalist (grades 7-12).
  3. Official copies of your undergraduate and/or graduate transcripts from any college(s) or universities you have attended. Submit official college transcripts to:
    LIU Riverhead
    Office of Admissions
    121 Speonk-Riverhead Road – LIU Bldg.
    Riverhead, N.Y. 11901
  4. Grade point average of 2.75. This average may be computed from the total undergraduate record or on the last 60 hours of study.
  5. One letter of recommendation from a professional in the field of education, psychology, or related disciplines which supports the student's request for admission, and addresses the student's academic skills and personal strengths and/or weaknesses.
  6. Complete an on-site writing sample. Students are asked to respond to a statement. There is no correct or incorrect response to this requirement. The response will be evaluated on the following criteria:

    • Extent to which your argument is developed and supported
    • Logical organization and development of the central idea
    • Paragraph organization and construction
    • Freedom from errors in mechanics and usage
  7. Schedule an appointment with the Office of Admissions for an interview. Please contact us at 631-287-8010 or email riverhead@liu.edu.

Degree Requirements

The program requires a minimum of 31 credit hours of graduate study. Students must complete all the course work listed in the Degree Requirements section, achieve a grade of B- or higher for all graduate education courses and earn an overall G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher.



31 Credits

EDU 500A Advanced Technology and Curriculum 1
EDU 581 Instruction in the Content Areas: Special Education 3

EDU 582

Applied Behavior Analysis

EDU 584 Educational Interventions for Middle and High School Students with Disabilities 3
EDU 585 Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education 3
EDU 661 Diagnostic/Prescriptive Techniques for Use with Exceptional Children 3

EDU 663

Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

EDU 664 Research in Special Education 3
EDU 668A Practicum Special Education:  Adolescence Level 3
EDU 700A Thesis Proposal: Special Education - Analysis of Teaching and Learning 3
EDU 800A Thesis Project: Special Education >3

New York State Teacher Certification Requirements

Course Descriptions

EDU 500A Advanced Technology and Curriculum

The purpose of this course is to apply knowledge and skills of computers to classroom use. Project based activities may include web page design, research funding for education and technology, using the internet as a resource for teachers and students, and creating lessons using various programs and technologies.
Fall, Spring, Occasional Summer 1 credit

EDU 581 Instruction in the Content Areas: Special Education

This course emphasizes the application of practical, relevant instructional approaches derived from theory and research to the education of learners with special needs. Three broad objectives underpin this course. The first is to direct attention to the necessity for effective teaching methods that will result in the learning of specific skills and concepts. The second is to introduce students to content area curricula as presented in the New York State Standards. The third is to apply knowledge of methods and the Standards to the design of appropriate instruction in the content areas. Prerequisites: EDU 580 or permission of instructor.
Fall, 3 credits

EDU 582 Applied Behavior Analysis

This course is designed to prepare teachers and behavior specialists to analyze and manage the behavior of children with developmental disabilities. This course will provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach appropriate behaviors to children with disabilities. Students will be presented with basic terminology and concepts of applied behavior analysis, strategies for increasing appropriate behaviors and decreasing inappropriate behaviors, skills in the observation and evaluation of behavior change, techniques to promote maintenance and generalization of behavior, and information surrounding the legal and ethical issues related to the use of behavior management strategies.
Spring, 3 credits

EDU 584 Educational Interventions for Middle and High School Students with Disabilities

The focus of this course is the practical application and implementation of research based practices with adolescents with mild disabilities in both special and regular education settings in the school and community. Effective instructional methods, models, and materials will be explored which have been shown effective with adolescents in order to prepare them for postsecondary and work environments of the twenty first century. Prerequisites: EDU 581. Spring, 3 Credits

EDU 585 Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education

Both special education enabling legislation (IDEA) and civil rights nondiscriminatory legislation (Section 504) mandate that students have a right to a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive classrooms and students placed in self contained settings require a team approach to educational programming. Educators must collaborate with professionals, parents and support personnel to maintain the overriding goal of successful educational outcomes for each student. This course will introduce students to the theoretical structure and methods of collaboration and consultation in a school setting in order to achieve that goal. Prerequisites: EDU 580.
Summer, 3 credits

EDU 661 Diagnostic/ Prescriptive Techniques for Use with Exceptional Children

The course is designed to assist professionals and teachers in working with the exceptional child in the regular education environment. With a contemporary focus on the inclusive classroom, teachers require additional strategies and tools for an integrated classroom setting. A review of practical diagnostic instruments, case studies, and the multi-sensory/academic model.
Summer, Fall 3 credits

EDU 663 Teaching Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders

Special Education strives to meet the needs of all students identified as disabled. Recent court actions as well as legislative mandates have challenged educators to serve all children in an inclusive educational environment. This course will focus on the etiology, identification, and behavioral and educational strategies associated with students classified as emotionally and/or behaviorally disordered. The legal mandates, the procedures for assessment and placement, family issues and classroom intervention strategies will be examined. Prerequisites: EDU 581.
Spring, 3 credits

EDU 664 Research in Special Education

The focus of this course is the use of action research as a method to guide teacher decision-making and planning in an educational setting. Students will examine the potential, the problems and the impact of action research and then generate areas of teaching and learning behaviors appropriate for an in-depth analysis.
Fall, 3 credits

EDU 668A Practicum Special Education: Adolescence Level

This course provides conditions under which the student can demonstrate competencies by working with students with disabilities at the adolescence level under the supervision of a qualified teacher. This course provides experience in administering assessments, designing individual instructional plans (IEPs), data collection and analysis and instructional adaptations.
Prerequisites: EDU 584.
Spring, 3 credits

EDU 700A Thesis Proposal: Special Education - Analysis of Teaching and Learning

The primary objective of this course is to guide students to select an individual topic to be researched and plan a course of action for the full expansion of the thesis in EDUC 800. Several research components will be carefully studies, including: (a) hypotheses/research questions, (b) theoretical underpinnings, (c) research design, (d) collection and analysis of data, and (e) implication and application as it related to teaching research. Students will be expected to submit a thesis proposal by the end of the semester.
Prerequisites: EDU 583 or 584
Fall, 3 Credits

EDU 800A Thesis Project: Special Education

On an individual basis, mentors will meet with students and assist them through the completion of their thesis project. Seminars and individual conferences will provide students with ongoing instruction, feedback, support, and evaluation. The completed thesis is placed on permanent file at LIU Riverhead and is made available to all interested members of the education division. Prerequisite: EDU 700A
Spring, 3 credits