For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Dr. Lea Rutmanowitz at or 914-831-2728.
The M.P.A. graduate degree prepares students for effective leadership in a wide range of areas: local, state and federal government; organizations concerned with development, advocacy, human rights, monitoring activities, the environment, etc. as well as for-profit enterprises concerned with the public good. It also provides opportunities for those already employed, public service or nonprofit management to sharpen their analytical and managerial skills, pursue a specific area of interest and prepare for increasing levels of responsibility, management and leadership.
Candidates for admission to the M.P.A. program must satisfy the general admission requirements for graduate study at Long Island University.
Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution and an acceptable record in undergraduate and other studies reflected in official transcripts of all colleges and universities attended.
Full matriculation indicates that the student meets all the requirements for admission in the degree program.
These requirements are:
To be reclassified as fully matriculated, the student must furnish all necessary documentation, complete 12 credits with a grade of B or higher in each course, and demonstrate proficiency in oral and written English.
Up to six transfer credits may be accepted from an accredited graduate school. The courses must be appropriate to the area of Health or Public Administration. Transfer credit will not be considered unless a grade of B or better was given for the course and the course was taken within five years. In the case of a required course, the content of the course taken at the other institution must match the content of the required course. The student must submit the published bulletin containing an appropriate course description, the course syllabus, a statement about his/her accomplishments in the course and the term paper or project completed. Transfer credits are not automatically granted. Request for transfer credits must be made within the first 30 days in the first semester of attendance at the Rockland Graduate Campus.
Students who are either full or limited matriculants or have conditional status must obtain prior approval from the Program Director to attend course(s) at other universities or at other campuses of Long Island University. Without such prior approval such courses will not be transferable. Permission and transferability for course(s) taken at another university while in residence at the Rockland Graduate Campus may be granted only in exceptional cases.
Program Code: 81245 HEGIS: 2102
Foundation Courses (15 credits)
Course Number |
Course Title |
MPA 501 |
Principles of Public Administration |
MPA 502 |
Organizational Theory & Behavior in Public Sector |
MPA 503 |
Economic Environment and the Public Sector |
MPA 505 |
Analytical Methods – Applied Research |
MPA 507 |
The Policy Process in Health Care & Public |
Required Public Administration Segment (18 credits)
Course Number |
Course Title |
PAD 602 |
Human Resource Administrations in Public Sector |
PAD 603 |
Fundamentals of Budget & Finance in Public Sector |
PAD 604 |
Administrative Responsibility & Legal Environment in the Public Sector |
PAD 725 |
Government Regulation of Land Use |
PAD 748 | Managing Metropolitan Government |
PAD 780 | Current Issues in Public Administration |
Capstone Experience (6 credits)
Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and have no incompletes or F’s before they can register for the Capstone. The permission of the Program Director is required for registration.
Course Number |
Course Title |
PAD 707 |
Special Project Research Consultation and Seminar |
PAD 708 |
Special Project in Public Administration |
MPA 501 Principles of Public Administration
MPA 502 Organization Theory and Behavior
MPA 503 Economic Environment and the Public Sector
MPA 505 Analytical Methods
MPA 507 The Policy Process in Health Care and Public Administration
PAD 602 Human Resources Administration in the Public Sector
PAD 603 Foundations of Budgeting and Finance in Public Sector
PAD 604 Administrative Responsibility & the Legal Environment in the Public Sector
MPA 701 Managerial Communication
MPA 704 Intergovernmental Relations
MPA 707 Workforce Evaluation and Development
MPA 708 Work, People and Productivity
MPA 710 Labor Relations in the Public Sector
MPA 712 Managing Diversity in the Workplace
MPA 713 Grant Writing and Administration
MPA 785 Independent Study
MPA 788 Graduate Internship in Administration
PAD 725 Government Regulation of Land Use
PAD 748 Managing Metropolitan Government
PAD 780 Current Issues in Public Administration
In the first semester the student will undertake an advanced study of the methods of research and the analytical and presentation techniques employed in the discipline of Public Administration.
Offered on rotation, 3 credits.
The second semester is spent in the actual writing of the special project.
Offered on rotation, 3 credits
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