Advanced Certificate in Literacy (B-6)

This advanced certificate is intended for those with prior certification as a classroom teacher and who hold a master’s degree. This program may be offered in distance format.

Admissions Requirements

  1. Underlying teacher certification
  2. Master’s Degree

Plan of Study

21 Credits

Course Number

Course Title


TED 520

Language and Literacy


TED 525

Teaching Literacy and Language Arts 1-6


TED 610

Assessing Students with Literacy and Learning Problems


TED 620

Collaboration in Inclusive Settings


TED 625

Interventions in Reading


TED 640

Phonological Awareness and Methods of Beginning Reading Instruction


TED 710

Practicum in Literacy for Students with Learning Problems, Grades 1-6


Course Descriptions

TED 520 Language and Literacy

This course focuses on the relationship between oral language and reading and writing. Students examine theories of cognition, syntactic and semantic development, comprehension, metalinguistic, and vocabulary growth and how they relate to reading and writing processes. Principles of first and second language acquisition, dialectal differences, and the development of literacy in English language learners, bilingual children, and youngsters with a range of learning difficulties are addressed. Attention is focused on the social and cultural contexts of language use, function, and literacy acquisition. Students examine approaches to curriculum development and instruction based on theories of language development, learning processes, motivation, and reading and writing acquisition.
3 Credits

TED 525 Teaching Literacy and Language Arts 1-6

This course focuses on the teaching of literacy in grades 1-6 to native English speakers and students who are English language learners, including methods of reading enrichment and remediation. Students are introduced to theories of literacy development, a variety of approaches for teaching reading, writing, listening and speaking, including strategies for teaching phonological awareness, word recognition, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, and building literacy in the content areas. Assessing literacy abilities, organizing and managing the classroom for literacy instruction, and using technology for teaching and learning are also addressed.
3 Credits

TED 610 Assessing Students with Literacy and Learning Problems

This course focuses on the assessment of children and youth with a range of literacy and/or learning problems. Course participants explore a range of assessment measures and strategies and how to use information gathered through assessment and analysis to plan or modify instruction utilizing an RTI framework. Topics covered include measurement concepts, administering tests and interpreting test data, communicating testing information to parents, caregivers, and school personnel, using testing information for instructional planning, and legal mandates. Students will be required to perform assessments.
3 Credits

TED 620 Collaboration in Inclusive Settings

This course focuses on developing collaborative partnerships for the benefit of educating diverse populations of students. Participants develop strategies for strengthening family partnerships, and collaborating with other school personnel including general and special educators, school psychologists and counselors and literacy and library media specialists. The goal of collaboration is to organize instructional programs and develop curricula, share information for assessment and instructional planning, and monitor student progress.
3 Credits

TED 625 Interventions in Reading

This course examines theories of literacy development and individual differences to form a basis for understanding possible difficulties encountered in mastering literacy skills. Interventions, for all aspects of literacy acquisition, appropriate for students experiencing difficulty are addressed.
3 Credits

TED 630 Math/Technology for Students with Learning Problems

This course focuses on curriculum development, instructional planning, and research validated instructional strategies for teaching mathematics and for using technology (assistive and instructional), for students with learning problems. Among the topics presented are the uses of technology to enhance and assist learning, the nature of math disabilities, designing and administering assessment measures for mathematics, methods for enrichment and remediation in mathematics and organizing the classroom for instruction.
3 Credits

TED 640 Phonological Awareness and Beginning Reading Instruction

This course explores ways teachers, and teachers working with families and other professionals, create positive instructional environments for beginning readers and writers. This course also examines curriculum development, assessment, and instructional strategies for teaching beginning reading and writing skills and strategies, particularly phonological awareness, to children within the full range of abilities.
3 Credits

TED 710 Practicum in Literacy for Students with Learning Problems, Grades 1-6

In this course, participants evaluate and teach a youngster in the childhood grades who is experiencing difficulty in acquiring literacy skills and strategies. Class discussions focus on assessment techniques and research validated instructional strategies effective for teaching all aspects of literacy acquisition.
3 Credits
